
Rich in iron, this fruit is a natural and effective appetite suppressant against cholesterol.

When you’re looking to lose weight, sometimes it’s hard to fight those little cravings that pop up throughout the day. Whether it’s before lunch or at snack time, our stomachs start rumbling and the temptation is great. In order not to give in to the appeal of sugar and fat, it is best to eat these foods. It is a dry fruit packed with antioxidants, good vitamins and effective in fighting hunger and bad cholesterol.

What is the most appetizing fruit?

Known for dry dates Slow the effects of cravings. So it is an excellent appetite suppressant. Thanks to the high contribution of nutrients, fiber, vitamins, but also iron and magnesium, this small fruit helps to fight against bad cholesterol. Although it is an excellent appetite suppressant, dry dates also help delay the aging of our cells and improve transportation due to their fiber intake.

A fruit full of goodness and good nutrients

Date: An ideal dry fruit for athletes

These dry fruits also play a role in blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Dates also strengthen bones and are ideal for athletes. Indeed, before a weight training session or jogging session, eating a date provides a strong energy boost. However, like all good things, you have to know Control your usage.

Is it good to eat dates every day?

Nutritionist Raphael Grumann, interviewed by Doctissimo, cautions big date eaters “Because they are rich in fiber, they can cause digestive problems, such as bloating, pain or even diarrhea, in highly sensitive people.” In addition, Its sugar content is very high And so can affect the health of your teeth and promote the appearance of cavities.

How to consume dates?

“With their high glycemic index (55), dates should be consumed in moderation by people with diabetes and ideally at the end of a plant-rich meal”, the doctor explains. So, controlling your date usage is good, but Eat two or three a day Very beneficial for health. This controlled ingestion will also allow you to end your cravings. And for your cells, date is a perfect companion.

Why eat dates in the evening?

Date contains ” A complete cocktail of highly useful antioxidant active ingredients to fight damage caused by free radicals, prevent cell aging and thus play a special role in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.. And health professionals also offer advice Consume these dry fruits before sleeping If you haven’t already eaten it during the day, you feel sleepy.

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