
Recommendations of the Faculty of Medicine – Portal Udeler

In a report on the efficacy and safety of mosquito repellents for human use available in Uruguay, Fabiani states that “there is growing concern in the Americas about the expansion of vector-borne diseases, particularly those transmitted by mosquito bites. Vectors are living organisms that transmit infectious diseases to humans.

Among the recommendations of international health organizations, in addition to the use of mosquito nets and thick clothing that covers the maximum surface of the body, the use of repellents authorized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). According to Pharmaneurio 2023, some EPA-approved repellents are available for topical use in Uruguay: aminopropionate, citronella, DEET, mantanidiol and picaridin. These substances are sold in Uruguay under different trademarks in different concentrations.

DEET is available for use in Uruguay in various concentrations. The higher this is, the longer the protection provided by the repellent lasts, but researchers recommend concentrations up to 30% as the risk of toxicity increases above this value. Fabiani also points out that in various works it has been observed that one or two daily applications are sufficient, regardless of the concentration of the product.

Picardin is a substance whose effectiveness is very comparable to that of DEET and as DEET should not be used in concentrations higher than 30 to 50%, the brands that exist in Uruguay have a maximum picardin concentration of 25%. In the case of used boys and girls, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that the concentration of these products should be less than 10% to avoid the risks of toxicity.

In boys and girls, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the use of repellents as short-term prophylaxis and those who live in endemic areas, once daily in children older than 6 months, 2 applications daily in children between 1 and 12 years of age, and 2 applications daily in children over 12 years of age. 3 applications per day. Similar recommendations have been made by the Uruguayan Society of Pediatrics. The provisions of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) in this regard are also consistent with this criterion. According to MSP Ordinance No. 850/021 of June 2021 regarding repellents containing DEET, it is recommended:

● Adults and children over 12 years of age: up to 30% DEET concentration

● Children between 2 and 12 years: up to 10% concentration and no more than 3 applications


● Children between 6 months and 2 years: a single daily application of up to 10% DEET

● Children under 6 months of age: Should not be used.

Regarding the use of repellents, Fabiani recommends applying them to areas of skin that are exposed and not to areas under clothing, as heat and contact with the skin provided by clothing in those areas can damage the product. More absorbed and therefore increased risk of side effects and toxicity. It is also not recommended to use it on the eyes or injured skin, as these products irritate mucous membranes.

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