New chapter in Haiti murder investigation: President Jovenel Moise’s widow charged with murder

Martine Moise, widow of slain Haitian President Jovenel Moise (Photo: EFE/ Jean-Marc Herve Abelard)
Martine Moise, widow of slain Haitian President Jovenel Moise (Photo: EFE/ Jean-Marc Herve Abelard)

Accused of murder Martine Moise, widow of executed Haitian president Jovenal Moise, This opens a new chapter in the investigation into the murder, a case for which five people have already pleaded guilty to justice in the United States, where the plot was organized and financed.

Moise was tortured and killed by a group of mercenaries, mostly Colombians, in the early hours of July 7, 2021, at his private residence in the Passion-Ville sector of the capital.

His wife, First Lady Martine Moise, was injured in the attack, so she was transferred to Miami (United States) the same day.

The information published this Tuesday in local press reports that Judge Walter Weser Walter, who is investigating the case Arrest warrant against Martin Moise in October 2023 In connection with the assassination of the Head of State.

Haitian President Jovenel Moise with his wife Martine in Port-au-Prince on February 7, 2017 (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Cherie)
Haitian President Jovenel Moise with his wife Martine in Port-au-Prince on February 7, 2017 (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Cherie)

This woman has always advocated the creation of an international court to investigate her husband’s death Charged with armed robbery, attempted murder and conspiracy to assault Jovenelle MoiseAccording to publications.

News of the former first lady’s indictment coincides with the end of Wesser Voltaire’s administration, whose sentencing could be announced in late February and March, according to published information.

At the moment, Martin Moyes has not mentioned the issue publicly.

Former Haitian senator Joseph Joel John, Haitian-Chilean Rodolphe Jaar and former Colombian soldier Alejandro Rivera Garcia have been sentenced. Life imprisonment in a Miami court for his participation in the murder.

Two others, former Colombian military man Mario Antonio Palacios and Haitian-Colombian and former US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) informant Joseph Vincent, pleaded guilty to murder and await sentencing in Miami.

between February and July 2021, according to Miami court documents South Florida “served as a central location for plot planning and financing.” To overthrow President Moise and replace him with someone who will serve the political objectives and financial interests of the conspirators.”

A man attends a ceremony in honor of Haitian President Jovenel Moise (Photo: EFE/Orlando Berea)
A man attends a ceremony in honor of Haitian President Jovenel Moise (Photo: EFE/Orlando Berea)

On July 7, 2021, an order Colombian Mercenary He shot and killed Moise, 53, at his private residence in Port-au-Prince, without the intervention of his bodyguards. According to the indictment, Palacios accompanied the hitman inside the president’s home that day, where he stole money and jewelry.

According to prosecutors, two directors of a Miami security company planned to kidnap Moise and replace him with Christian Sanon, a Haitian-American who wants to become president of the Caribbean country. The aim of these provocateurs – Venezuelan Antonio Intriago and Colombian Archangel Pratel Ortiz – was to sign a lucrative agreement with the future government led by Sanon, who is also indicted in the United States. Having failed to kidnap Moise, the conspirators decided to kill him.

Haiti has arrested 17 people for the murder Miami Herald, But none of them have been formally charged.

The small country, considered the poorest in the Americas, has plunged into deep and violent chaos since Moises’ death and his presidency vacant.

(With information from AFP and EFE)

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