Maduro launched threats against EVTV Miami reporters

Nicolás Maduro. | Photo: Courtesy

Nicolás Maduro on Thursday accused EVTV Miami journalists of being “involved” in a conspiracy in Venezuela.

During a broadcast, he said that last December they discovered a “direct operation directed from Miami”, where journalists from the aforementioned media outlet were.

“The investigation continued and we discovered in December a direct operation directed from Miami, where all the ‘maiamero’ groups were located, journalists from the network that finances EVTV Miami. “All of them and other influencers were involved in this last thing they were thinking of doing,” he commented.

“They wanted to make a violent surprise at 3:00 a.m. on January 1, when they intended to attack the 21st Brigade of San Cristóbal with a group of mercenaries in reserve and other assets. The first act of the written plan they had was to find and assassinate Freddy Bernal, the governor of Tachira state,” he added.

Likewise, he announced that Diosdado Cabello would announce “a set of actions”.

“We are bound by the ‘cattle’ as we know it and Diosdado Cabello will soon announce measures to activate the ‘Bolivarian Fury Plan’ and counter any terrorist attempt at any time,” he said.

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