
Live – War in Ukraine: Arrests during gathering of wives of Russian soldiers mobilized in Moscow

Russia will take “revenge” for new Western sanctions, former President Dmitry Medvedev said on Saturday.
In Moscow, law enforcement arrested during a gathering of wives of Russian soldiers mobilized in Ukraine.
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Ukraine: Two Years of War

New military aid from the UK

Two years after the start of the Russian invasion, the United Kingdom announced a package of 245 million pounds sterling (287 million euros) and 8.5 million pounds (9.9 million euros) in humanitarian aid to help Ukraine replenish its munitions.

The British Ministry of Defense said in a statement that the military aid is aimed at “strengthening the supply chain to produce the artillery ammunition that Ukraine urgently needs to increase its reserves.”

Arrested in Moscow

This Saturday, which marks the 2nd anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, wives of Russian soldiers gathered in Moscow to demand their return. Two independent Russian media reported that Russian police subsequently made several arrests, including journalists, who had come to cover the weekly meeting of the “Pout Domoi” movement (Path to Home in Russian) near the Unknown Soldier’s flame. Kremlin.

Medvedev called for Russian revenge

Russian Security Council number two Dmitry Medvedev vowed that his country would retaliate against Western sanctions, which were announced on the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the death of dissident Alexei Navalny. “Let them (Westerners) all suffer there. We must remember that, wherever possible, we must retaliate against them. They are our enemies,” the former Russian president, accustomed to belligerent and threatening pronouncements, wrote on Telegram. is

The triumph of Russian “darkness”.

Ukraine will defeat Russian “darkness”, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army, Oleksandr Sirsky, promised on the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of his country. “I am sure that our victory lies in unity. And it will undoubtedly happen. Because light always triumphs over darkness!”, he declared on Telegram.

Two years ago, “when thousands of columns of Russian invaders entered Ukraine from all directions, when thousands of missiles and bombs fell on our country, no one in the world believed that we would hold”, recalled the commander. “No one believed in him, but Ukraine believed in him! He believed in him, accepted the war and continued, in “the biggest war in Europe since the Second World War,” against a much more powerful enemy, Oleksandr Sirsky. “For every meter of our territory we Fighting,” he promised.

“Don’t Lose Hope”

“The situation on the battlefield is extremely difficult,” NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg acknowledged in a recorded message marking the second anniversary of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of the country. “While President Putin’s goal of dominating Ukraine has not changed, there is no indication that he is preparing for peace,” he added.

“But we must not lose hope. Ukraine has repeatedly demonstrated its remarkable capabilities and fierce determination,” he stressed in a video posted on the NATO website.

Trudeau in Kiev this Saturday

Canadian Trudeau in Kiev on the second anniversary of the Russian invasion, according to a spokesman for Ukrainian Railways. “Comrades are coming to Kiev,” Oleksandr Shevchenko wrote on Facebook, posting a photo of Mr Trudeau exiting a train at a Kiev station, as well as a photo of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who had arrived in Kiev. It was announced some time ago.

Ukraine promises to conquer “darkness”.

Ukraine will defeat Russian “darkness”, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army vowed on Saturday, the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of his country.

“I am convinced that our victory lies in unity. And it will undoubtedly happen. For light always triumphs over darkness!” General Oleksandr Sirsky said on a telegram.

Von der Leyen hails Ukrainian “resistance” after two years of conflict

Welcomed Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission “Extraordinary Resistance of the Ukrainian People” His arrival in Kiev on Saturday came two years after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

“In Kyiv to mark the second anniversary of Russia’s war against Ukraine. And to celebrate the extraordinary resistance of the Ukrainian people”, Ms von der Leyen said on social media. “More than ever, we firmly support Ukraine. Financially, economically, militarily, morally. Until the country is finally free.”

Russian Defense Minister visits his troops in Ukraine

As Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited his troops in Ukraine, the Russian military announced Saturday the second anniversary of the Moscow invasion.

“Today, in terms of the balance of power, the advantage is on our side”, the minister told Russian soldiers from the command center. A military press release states that the minister was informed that Russian forces have gone on the offensive after capturing the town of Evdivka.

“Putin should not count on the laxity of the Europeans” supports Macron

French President Emmanuel Macron warned his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Saturday that France would not support Ukraine. “will not weaken” And it wasn’t necessary “doesn’t count” On it “The Fatigue of Europeans.”

“Two years of war. Hit and wounded, but still standing. Ukraine is fighting for itself, for its ideals, for our Europe. Our commitment to it will not weaken,” Mr Macron wrote in a message posted by Elysee. Social network X marks the second anniversary of the Russian invasion.

“President Putin’s Russia must not count on any fatigue among Europeans”, Also warns the French Presidency in a press release on X.

On the eve of the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of his country, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday called on Kiev’s Western allies to quickly deliver new air defense systems and fighter jets.

“The most important thing is to unblock the skies. Air defense and (…) planes will contribute to this”He said at a press conference in Lviv, western Ukraine. “What is important is that all decisions (aid distribution, editor’s note) are made in time. I think that is a priority”he added.

Weakened by the failure of its summer counter-offensive and growing shortages of ammunition and troops, the Ukrainian army faces a difficult situation at the front, and was forced to surrender the fortress town of Avdivka in the east last week. Months of hard fighting with Russian forces.

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    MAP – Two years of war in Ukraine: On the ground, who got the upper hand?

Kyiv also sought support from the UN during the UN General Assembly meeting. “Unfortunately, Russia ignores the will of the majority of the world, continues its aggression and continues to throw more and more people into the flames of war.” Foreign Minister of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba said.

“If we take a principled stand and act together, Russia cannot ignore the voice of the majority of the world’s people”He added that he called on all member states to participate in a peace conference to be held in Switzerland around President Volodymyr Zelensky’s ten-point peace formula.

Editorial staff of TF1info

(TagsToTranslate)Vladimir Putin

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