
“It’s the worst community”, the owner of this famous team can no longer face LoL players

After the rest of this announcement

Our brains tend to remember bad things more easily than good things. A phenomenon that is also seen in League of Legends. The MOBA community is known for being one of the worst, but if you look closely, most players aren’t causing a real problem. It’s easy to remember our bad experiences, and unfortunately, we’re bound to encounter them at one point or another in our games.

Despite all our good intentions, the LoL community continues to be criticized, and often considered the worst, at least that’s what the owner of this team playing in the LCS (North America) thinks.

“Players are insufferable”

In a February 13 Twitter/X post, 100 Thieves co-owner Jack “CourageJD” Dunlop lashed out at League of Legends players, calling them “intolerable” and saying their community is the “worst” on the internet. A statement that, as you might expect, has a certain resonance with many players.

It’s really unreal how insufferable every League of Legends player is in the games.

I play flex 5 90% of the time with my own mates.

But in the 10% of games I don’t do with them, I can almost guarantee that one of our 2 random players will be a big problem. Worst community on the internet.

As he explains, He avoids playing with strangers as much as possible, but when he has to, according to him, it inevitably comes down to the worst.. Trolls, inters, afks and others, in short, all possible bad behavior, bad behavior that Riot Games has continued to fight against over the years, especially by implementing new tools.

LoL community, really the worst?

In the responses, many agree with him. League of Legends players are apparently the worst, as evidenced by the many comments in response to the post.

  • “100% lmao and it’s been like this for years.”
  • “In my first online league game, I was told to kill myself. Lol, I’m not back.”
  • “That’s why I stopped playing.”
  • “Yeah, that’s why I don’t play anymore! League of Legends is the most toxic game ever.”

But others disagree, and believe so Some communities are worse than Riot Games’ MOBA. They cite Call of Duty, Overwatch or even Valorant as examples. The truth is that every multiplayer title has annoying players, and we all deal with them. These few individuals who would do better to think twice before starting the game give a negative view of all other players, who are not toxic.

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