In a surprise meeting, Arevalo and Biden talk about democracy and the fight against corruption

US President Joe Biden welcomed Guatemalan President Bernardo Arevalo and Foreign Minister Ramiro Martinez.  Photo: Government of Guatemala
US President Joe Biden welcomed Guatemalan President Bernardo Arevalo and Foreign Minister Ramiro Martinez. Photo: Government of Guatemala

President Bernardo Arevalo held a surprise meeting with his counterpart Joe Biden this Monday, where they discussed the bilateral agenda, the fight against corruption and the defense of democracy, among other issues.

The meeting was organized and subject to the agenda of the American President and was held in an atmosphere of cordiality.

In the morning, the President of Guatemala met with Vice President Kamala Harris, who told Arevalo that it was important to fight corruption, so that investments could be made to grow the Guatemalan economy.

Furthermore, he highlighted the need to guarantee human rights and reduce the violence that drives people to migrate.

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With information from Heidi Quino

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