
How to break the ultimate taboo around periods?

A set of menstrual cycles is considered physical phenomenon In women preparing their bodies for possible conception. It lasts an average of 28 days, but may be longer or faster from one person to another. The follicular phase, the ovulatory phase, the luteal phase, the latter is made up of three periods, which occur every month. His share of the movement. Our chakras affect our entire body: our emotions, our moods, the quality of our skin, our sweat, Our digestive system, lymphatic and immune. In short, a good explosive cocktail of changes, which are not always simple, practical and painless.


Um, diarrhea, are we talking about that?

Let’s break this taboo! No, women are not glittering princesses. You should know that, what we jokingly call our Ragnag, Our body releases prostaglandins, i.e. metabolites of arachidonic acid, commonly known as fatty acids. It is these molecules that are at the root of the contraction of the smooth muscle of the uterus, which allows the removal of the mucous membrane and therefore leads to the flow of periods. But these substances also cause abdominal pain, the famous menstrual cramps. That’s not all! If it were just that … there are also prostaglandins Responsible for peristalsis of intestinal smooth muscle. oh oh

Yes, this is distributed in the blood and therefore directly interferes with the digestive system and especially the intestines. Who says contractions, difficulty holding back, so no more trips to the toilet. Obviously to powder yourself. No. To free yourself. Unfortunately, this phenomenon of contraction is often associated with Loose stool. Moreover, other hormones, Estrogen The effect can also occur because it can cause your intestines to absorb more water and salt in your stool. As a result, during the first days of bleeding, we have to deal with our disintegrating endometrium on the one hand and, on the other, disgusting diarrhea. We don’t know where to turn now. Perfect.


Unfortunately, there is no real solution. But, to avoid these unwanted effects, you can enjoy apples, rice, bananas, carrots, pears and others. Foods to harden stools, before the first day of menstruation. Above all, do not consume antispasmodic drugs, you risk a reaction: violent and painful constipation. Also, keep up regular physical activity, but don’t beat yourself up. Avoid high-level, combat or endurance sports that accelerate transport and Choose light exercises, like yoga, walking, swimming etc. Your body will thank you!

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