He was fishing off a Florida beach and caught a shark that caused an incredulous reaction from the bathers.

The shark, more than 2 meters long, was caught in a fishing rod. Screenshot WKYC Channel 3

A group of bathers enjoying a relaxing day at a Florida beach were surprised to see a man fishing at Miramar Beach in Walton County catch a shark with his rod and lure it ashore to remove the hook. An onlooker captured the scene with his cell phone and it didn’t take long for the video to go viral on social networks.

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Brooke Gamble, a woman who was at the site last Sunday, March 24, shared a recording that shows several people watching closely as a fisherman brings the sea creature to the surface, and then measures its size. According to the publication, the shark was more than two meters long.

“It was exciting”: Bathers shocked by one man’s catch

Gamble explained to Fox News that, at first, they didn’t know for sure what the man, who had been fishing with a rod in the sea for several hours, had caught. “As it reached the shore, we could see it was a shark, and everyone around started clapping! It was exciting, to say the least,” recalled the woman, who said it was not the first time she had seen one of these dangerous animals.

In the clip you can see the shark stuck in the shallow waters of the beach as a fisherman approaches and starts pulling it closer to the shore, prompting screams from the crowd as they slowly come closer to see the animal. You can also see many bathers taking out their cell phones to record the amazing moment.

The woman who captured these pictures told the above media that it took the fisherman two hours to catch the shark. Once in the field, they took out a tape measure to determine the animal’s length, which was eight feet.

A few minutes later, a group of men took the shark back into the ocean. Gamble explained that the animal was not injured. “I know the shark is safe because the fisherman released it back into the wild,” he said.

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