
Find out how plums strengthen your bones!

Menopause, is a headache, isn’t it? If you’re going through this period, you know it’s a challenge to keep your bones in tip-top shape. However, did you know that plums can play an undeniable role in this quest to maintain your bone health? Between family anecdotes and tips here and there, I will share with you the magic hidden behind this purple and juicy fruit.

Benefits of plums for bone health

Ah, plums, a fruit I have enjoyed since my childhood in Bordeaux, where there is more than just wine to delight the taste buds! But let’s go back to our sheep… or rather to our bones. During menopause, the production of estrogen decreases, which leads to a decrease in the hormones that protect our internal structures. The result? Decreased bone density and increased risk of osteoporosis, which sometimes leads to fractures. good news, Plums can counteract these harmful effects. A recent study shows that consumption of plums can significantly improve bone strength in postmenopausal women. As you can see, these little purple wonders are far from simple sweets.

Rich in vitamins, fiber, potassium and boron, these natural recipes contain key elements for strong bones. Vitamin K, an essential player in binding calcium to bones, is present as well as potassium, which ensures that this important mineral does not leach out of our bones. And I’m not even talking about antioxidants, the champions that protect our cells from nasty free radicals!

But wait, it doesn’t stop there. Plums are also actorsCalcium absorption. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve bitten into a plum, daydreaming about its benefits, without suspecting that it plays an important role in the balance of this essential mineral.

A promising experience of plums on the framework

Let’s take a look at the science. Advanced researchers, perhaps as passionate about plums as I am from my beautiful Bordeaux region, conducted an experiment with rats. The latter were divided into three groups with different diets, including one rich in plums. And guess what? Rats feeding on these fruits showed that Significant improvement in their bone density compared to others. The main argument in favor of plum!

Integrating plums into your diet

So how can you benefit from these benefits? It is advisable to give plums a special place in your diet. Fresh or dried in the form of prunes, this treasure is versatile and perfect for all your cravings. Easy to carry anywhere due to the practicality of prunes, they retain their benefits and their delicious taste. Ah, I still remember this afternoon snack where I mixed prunes and some almonds for a very hearty snack!

I will give you some of my delicious suggestions:

  • Chop with walnuts or almonds for a nutrient-dense snack
  • Toast garnished with cream cheese and a few slices of plum
  • For dessert, curd drizzled with sliced ​​fresh plums and honey

However, let’s not forget that it is a combination of foods and habits that work in favor of your bones. Regular physical activity, limiting alcohol and avoiding tobacco are essential. If you’re looking to get back in shape after the holidays, don’t hesitate to take inspiration from some of the ideas on “Post-Holiday Diet: Getting Back in Shape Without the Depression.”

Plum in traditional medicine and additional advice

Additionally, it is interesting to note that in traditional Chinese medicine, a fruit of ancestral knowledge that I find interesting, plums are used to soothe various ailments and strengthen the kidneys. The latter, you guessed it, plays an important role in hormonal and bone mineralization. This confirms the beneficial aura of our friends plums.

After all, these fruits are more than just natural confectionery. They are real allies in the prevention of bone problems associated with menopause. After a drunken evening discussing life over a good glass of Bordeaux wine, remember that ending this sweet evening with a breakfast made of prunes can help you “sleep like a baby after a festive evening”. After all, a healthy mind in a healthy body is the path to a peaceful and joyful life!

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