
Fake Specialist Injects Hyaluronic Acid Into Her Facial Artery: The Terrible Testimony of Irina, Disfigured and Cloistered

According to Le Parisien, illegal acts for aesthetic purposes, such as botox injections performed in back kitchens without the slightest diploma, are on the rise again in 2023.

Warning messages do nothing: Illegal acts for aesthetic purposes, such as botox injections in the back kitchen without the slightest diploma, are on the rise again in 2023. This shows it. Parisian, in an article published on Friday March 22. There were 104 reports last year compared to 55 in 2020.

Our colleagues say especially in the case of Irina, “Distorted by a Fake Doctor”. She wanted to fill in the wrinkles around her nose and mouth. The 39-year-old Parisian walked through the doors of a beauty institute two years ago and was told by a charlatan. “Her face, ruined her life, plunging her into an unknown world of illness, transplants and despair”. She contacted a pseudo-specialist on Snapchat and believed the dream she was being sold.

Except his torturer injected him with hyaluronic acid into his facial artery. Which brings blood to the lips, nose, eyelids… and that’s what real aesthetic doctors know perfectly.

“Part of me is dead”

The result: a common infection for Irina, which leads to gangrene in part of her face and leaves her exhausted. Weeks in the hospital, transplants, surgical intervention… Suffering from a series of terrible, anxiety attacks, Irina files a complaint but rarely leaves her T2, in which she lives in the dark, with the curtains closed. He constantly spends his time trying to identify himself. “Part of me is dead”She told our colleagues.

If the hyaluronic acid injection business is booming, it’s because the product is available today on the Internet and over the counter in pharmacies. In three clicks and for about sixty euros including delivery, Free lunch During the research on this topic, it was possible to get about forty milliliters in 2022.

“There is no traceability on the products used, which may come from counterfeit or banned brands in France.Already warned Dr Adele Luafi. Our investigations show that injections are sometimes done in back kitchens, without changing needles or respecting basic hygiene standards…” Irina learned this the hard way.

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