
Ecological Transition Minister, Christophe Bechu, announces relaxed rules

The Minister announced on Monday in “Le Parisien” the revision of the Energy Performance Diagnosis (DPE) and the “simplification” on the rent of thermal strainers.


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The Energy Performance Diagnosis (DPE) will be improved, announced Christoph Bechu.  (Stephanie PARA / MAXPPP)

This is one of the objectives set by the President of the Republic: to renovate more than 200,000 homes in 2024, considered as energy sieves. Five billion euros have been released to help owners operate. Today, 40% of mass housing is rated E to G, a very poor rating. Minister of Ecological Transition, Christophe Bechu, announced in the newspaper on Monday 12 February Le Parisian – Today in France Several steps related to thermal strainers.

The minister begins with the observation: the smaller the surface area of ​​a house, the more hot water it will hold at its energy rating, regardless of the number of occupants. Thus, about 30% of apartments with an area of ​​less than 40 square meters are considered thermal sieves. By changing this calculation, Christoph Bechu ensures that 140,000 housing units will be able to move out of the F or G category.

Online simulator

For those who already have an energy performance diagnosis, the government promises that an online simulator will be available this week, allowing them to receive a new label in the event of a category change. The calendar does not move. From January 2025, energy-intensive housing will be prohibited for rent. On the other hand, Christoph Bechu wants to relax some of the rules, for which an amendment will be introduced in the parliament.

For F or G classified accommodation, “In the event of imprecise renewal of lease, the landlord cannot be held liable for the rent of the colander if his tenant refuses leave for work”, says the minister Parisian. Second Amendment concerns “For condominiums that have voted for renovation work in their common areas, the rental ban will be suspended for two years from the date of the vote”, Time to complete the task.

Thus, the minister says he wants to “Make life easier for those who want to work”while respecting “Laws of Thermal Renewal”.

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