Beautiful Texas town where convicts are hanged and ‘no one notices’

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in There is a small town in Texas Where there is a special prison, which for many people sentenced to death is the last place they will live, no one notices what is happening in the city when the execution is carried out, so public road Only I know Breathe in peaceWhen the sentence of death is fixed within the penitentiary.

Texas There are many death rows, this is one of them Allen B. in West Livingston. Polunsky UnitWhere only men are hanged, while in Mountain unit See, in GatesvilleThere is death row for women, meanwhile that is what we are going to talk about today Huntsville Unit in Huntsville.

He Execution Center Huntsville, Located in Walker County, TexasSaid that those sentenced to death are also hanged lethal injectionWhen the sentence is carried out there is nothing to indicate that the prisoner was hanged so the city has no idea what is going on inside the prison.

What crime is punishable by death in Texas?

Death Row in Huntsville.

According to the Texas State Penal Code, a person accused of murder may be sentenced to death if:

  1. The victim is a public safety officer (a police officer, firefighter or paramedic or a member of the public health services) if it is in the line of duty and if the person committing the offense is aware of his duties.
  2. to kill No Deliberate manner In the form or attempt of robbery, assault, kidnapping, sexual assault, arson, retaliation or obstruction, or terroristic threats.
  3. Kill for reward or promises remuneration or hires another to commit murder in return for remuneration or promise of remuneration.
  4. to kill If he is a fugitive Kills a Texas Department of Corrections officer or police officer during escape or flight attempts from or to a correctional institution.
  5. to kill, while imprisonedA person who is employed in the management of a penal institution or for the purpose of establishing, maintaining or participating in the combination or in the benefits of the combination.
  6. If you commit homicide while incarcerated In a correctional institution for homicide, or serving a life sentence or a maximum of 99 years in prison for the crime of sexual assault, robbery or aggravated kidnapping.
  7. Killing of more than one person in the course of a single criminal transaction or in the course of different criminal transactions, but the murders are committed in accordance with the same plan or conduct.
  8. If the victim A person under ten years of age.
  9. Kills another person for revenge By the service or position of another person, such as a judge or magistrate of the Supreme Court, Court of Criminal Appeal, Court of Appeal, District Court, Criminal District Court, Constitutional Court, County Court, Statutory County Court, Justice Court or Municipal Court.

From 1819 to 1923, the Capital punishment in Texas He was executed by hanging, but from 1923 the electric chair began to be used, a practice Lasted till 1977.

Since 1977 The state began using lethal injection, where convicts were given three doses of drugs, including sodium thiopentate, pancuronium bromide, and potassium chloride.

Between 1923 and 1965, the Huntsville Unit in Texas, was death row for men. In 1965 the corridor was moved to the Ellis Unit and in 1999 to the Polunsky Unit.

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