
Apple’s AI is officially born! If you have an iPhone, you no longer use ChatGPT, but MM1, a research article revealed.

JVTech News Apple’s AI is officially born! If you have an iPhone, you no longer use ChatGPT, but MM1, a research article revealed.


We’re starting to seriously suspect that Apple is lagging behind in its artificial intelligence development. In the research document, the Fruity brand once again discreetly outlines its enormous ambitions around AI and a new language model. MM1 is its name, and it can change a lot of things on the iPhone.

MM1 is here, Apple’s new language model

Don’t worry, VYou didn’t miss an Apple keynote, or a grand announcement on the Apple website. While the brand started using the word “AI” in their communications, it didn’t seem ready to announce it loud and clear. Indeed, it is in a humble research report that we can find juicy, but most accurate, information What Apple is developing: A new language model.

We already knew that Apple is working on this topic, especially with Agelet, a language model (LLM) that integrates up to 13 billion parameters. So surprised to find out, we’ve been here for a second paper In some cases, produced by a team made up of the same people. The report details MM1’s approach, which focuses on diversifying data sources to achieve more flexible and intelligent AI: Text, images with descriptions, single images, images with text inside…

The model goes up to 30 billion dimensions, And now it is able to interpret images more precisely, and develop a more complex chain of logic with as little data as possible.

These aren’t patents, like the ones from Apple almost every week, and it doesn’t mean every idea will see the light of day. Here, we can clearly see that Tim Cook and his team have a lot of ideas, are moving step by step, and may surprise us with the announcement of iPhone 16…

A super-powerful AI to replace Siri in iPhone 16?

These stories of AI, data and multimodal benchmarks are complicated, but what can it change for us poor fishermen? With the introduction of AI-equipped Android smartphones all around, Now it’s hard to imagine that Apple would spend so much time and resources not integrating all of this into the iPhone.

Additionally, we just learned that Apple will be working with Google to integrate Gemini into iPhones. Nothing is certain, but even if this were true, it could mean that Apple is still testing the waters with another Californian company, while working on its own model on the side.

Apple's AI is officially born!  If you have an iPhone, you no longer use ChatGPT, but MM1, a research article revealed.

The examples given in the research report show us particularly the advanced interpretation capability of MM1 when dealing with images, That, for example, a blind person could use their iPhone to know which button to press to make coffee, or ask Siri for more advanced things, such as Chat-GPT in personal assistant mode.

Apple's AI is officially born!  If you have an iPhone, you no longer use ChatGPT, but MM1, a research article revealed.

Because yes, it’s hard to believe that Apple is abandoning Siri. With iOS 17.4, which allows us to simply say “Siri” to call her, and finally to be able to continue asking her questions without relaunching the request each time, clearly shows that The Cupertino company believes in its Assistant, and barring any major surprises, it should be completely transformed in the upcoming generations of iPhones.

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