
According to WHO more than one billion people are affected by obesity, a historic first: News

The World Health Organization released its latest statistics on obesity on Thursday, February 29. The global trend is alarming, especially among the youngest.

One in eight people worldwide is affected by obesity. This pathology, which can be serious, affects more and more people, and its progress is fast. According to the latest WHO statistics published on March 1 in the medical journal, there are more than one billion cases of obesity worldwide. The Lancet.

This threshold should not be reached before 2030, however, the WHO estimates, but the number of cases has doubled in just three decades, and even quadrupled among the youngest. In this age group (0-18 years), boys are most affected, with 59% of cases. Among adults, on the other hand, it is women, who account for 54% of cases, the study shows.

The food in question

As the authors of the study point out in Le Monde, the evolution of the diet is in question. “From Subsistence and Local Food to Merchandise”. The latter, mostly processed, are fatty, sweet, salty and less natural, causing obesity. Since this type of food is often the cheapest, the worst affected are the poor. In the case of France, the number of cases of obesity is decreasing. In fact, we’ve seen a two-point decline in obesity among women and stability among men since 1990.

Published at 10:35 am on March 2, Philippines Ruvier Flemond, 6media

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