
Absent from the competitive League of Legends scene, could this champion become meta again thanks to the buff received with patch 14.3?

After the rest of this announcement

Patch 14.3 certainly fixed some issues in League of Legends, but it also created new ones. In the previous article, we introduced the amazing Illaoi buff, and The latter results in his winrate in SoloQ. Despite being a fairly limited kit, its return to the competitive scene also seems plausible, at least on this patch. Priesthood of Nagacaboros still Exploitable weaknesses in 5v5, and she needs a draft to move around her a bit, not in the Illaoi hyper carry sense, but in the sense that she will force the team to take a champion that will compensate for her weaknesses. saw Karma’s current power, Ilaoi’s return is both plausible Because the first can solve the second mobility problem, but more difficult Karma copes with it very well (It’s impossible to hit in lane, and in a teamfight the spell E can allow your team to relocate themselves out of the danger zone while absorbing damage). If we were to bet on a champion’s return to the competitive scene on 14.3, we wouldn’t necessarily bet on Ilaoi but on another champion.Who received a real Valentine’s Day letter from Riot Games.

Aurelian Sol, from chained god to destructive god

We detailed the specific changes applied to A.Sol in another paper, but here’s a quick summary if you haven’t read it. in fact, A.Sol stacks less Stardust (his passive resource) when farming minions, and stacks more when poking opposing champions. Then, the His Q damage is further increased under the W buff, while the mana cost of both spells has been reduced.*

*A hotfix was also made on 7/02, nerfing A’s won stacks and returning Z’s CD to its old value.

These changes had two significant consequences: Dragon God now stacks Stardust much fasterWhich allows it to be effective more quickly, and is Also very hard to kill during the lane phase. As a reminder, the The value of the MS bonus provided by A.Sol’s W is flat which makes it faster than champions under Ghost in the early game. (This reverses in the midgame, with Ghost having a bonus that increases with levels in addition to being based on the champion’s MS, increasing slightly after the boot is complete).

For the following figures, we will Talk about Grandmaster and above levels in solocue. The goal here is to question a champion’s competitive viability, taking only soloQ’s high level stats, so unlike articles that only present champions that are strong in the current meta, seems more relevant to us than being interested in overall stats. Elos (even though in A.Sol’s case, it’s strong even at low Elo. Less, but still strong). on In patch 14.3, A.Sol gained an 8% winrate, while his popularity also exploded. His current winrate is in Grandmaster 60%And he is the best mid champion in the game, at least if we go by average popularity and win rate.

The most important point to remember in these images is not that the Aurelian Soul has actually become stronger Especially since its 20-25 minute winrate is usually between 30-35 minutes., while the champion is supposed to be stronger in this period. This clearly shows that The champion manages to bring something to his team from the mid game. If it is not Not yet a weapon of mass destruction that could be in the late gameIts utility side is amazing: it brings area slow and great crowd control, since usually the ult already receives enough stardust to be appreciable size.

Slow comes mainly from Rylai, the first item created by A.Sol players. With the R->E->A combo and Rylai, Aurelion can Sol Pin one or more opponents in place for several seconds, making them easy targets. cherry on the cake, This combo is of course available under Z, making it difficult to punish A.Sol. He might not be the one who will do the most damage in a fight (at least at this point in the game), but he can fight singlehandedly.

Its itemization has also evolved a bit. By reducing the mana costs of A and Z, Riot Games has A.Sol allowed players to possibly do without Seraphine (Evolution of Archangels). This item remains Very strong and very popular on A.Sol, but it is completely possible to do without it. By necessity, the item has become more situational depending on the antithesis structure. Anyway with Rylai and Leandry, A.Sol is already hard enough to kill that he doesn’t even need an Archangel’s shield on top of that. This makes champions more versatile, and the more adaptable a character can be, the more likely they are to be picked in competition.

Is Aurelian Sol strong enough to join the competitive scene?

It’s hard for the champion to get out of lane because he can play very safe, his general mobility with Z + tp is great, and he’ll be effective early enough in the game to not force other players to pick the champion early/mid. As for compensation, there is none There is no reason why he would not at least be a likely choice on 14.3. His power in the meta is still at stake Limited by two other champions.

This is about Tristana and Talia, both of which are completely A.Sol. with Her E and her A, Tristana forbids A. Sol from her passive stacking on him., because it will take more damage than that and die almost every time. for no Talia, it’s her E that prevents A.Sol from activating her Z And so to be mobile against him, when A.Sol needs to activate his W to do maximum damage or reposition himself during a gank. These two champions are currently the meta, and can single-handedly keep A.Soul out of the Rift. So A.Gol in blindpick seems like a bad ideaUnless you suffered two bans during the draft (when the A.Sol team risks seeing a ban in response, ie 2 bans lost against 1). However, once an opposing midlaner is identified as a counter pick, A.Sol can be very interesting.

Unfortunately for European A.Sol fans, there is There is a high probability that we will not see Star Forger in the LEC. The Winter Split Finals will take place this weekend on Patch 14.2, and the dates for the Spring Split have not yet been announced. So there is A world where there will be no LEC matches on 14.3 and we already know that the champion will receive a small nerf for his loss on 14.4. (However, Riot Games has not revealed what form this nerf will take). On the other hand, there will be National League and/or LCK/LPL matches, enjoy some Dragon God in the pros. So if you’re a champion fan, it’s worth taking a look at this league during the LEC break.

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