
A decree on the refusal of a permanent contract is brought by the unions before the Council of State

According to the latest decree published in the Official Journal of December 29, 2023, when a job seeker refuses a permanent contract a second time, he will be deprived of unemployment insurance. A radical measure, according to these trade union organizations, which formally oppose it.

The decree, published as part of a comprehensive employment bill, states that when an employee twice refuses a permanent contract offered by an employer, he is systematically deprived of his unemployment benefits. However, it is useful to note that only the refusal of a permanent contract for a previously held job by the person concerned can cause them to lose their unemployment rights.

Decree condemned by unions

Coming into effect on January 1, 2024, it sparked strong reactions from French workers’ unions, who were quick to express their displeasure. “Its effects will be disastrous. (…) The FO condemns this new executive measure which it considers unfair and inappropriate. “, Force Superior (FO) announced the union. The trade union organization also expressed its desire to file an appeal with the Council of State with the aim of overturning the move.

CGT, FSU and Solidaires call for the annulment of the decree

In a press release shared on the website of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), it protests with the FSU and Solidaires unions, the decree being implemented with the aim of depriving employees of their unemployment rights.

These organizations condemn the deprivation of workers of unemployment rights after the second refusal of a permanent contract. As indicated in this press release, a measure against which the trade union organizations, as well as the board of directors of the Pôle emploi, are unanimously opposed.

According to these unions, the government’s objective in implementing this new regulation is to “empty unemployment insurance of its essence and thus force the unemployed to accept any position. In other words, to impose a form of forced labor.”

On the other hand, the press release believes that the measure makes employers “whistleblowers through a condemnation platform established for this purpose,” the press release suggests. In question, they must inform the employees within one month, after refusing a permanent contract with France Travel.

“This measure also deprives the employee of stating a legitimate reason for the refusal or taking action against this decision to refuse compensation,” condemns the text. Finally, the CGT, FSU and Solidaires conclude their press release by “demanding the withdrawal of all reforms that undermine the social rights of workers and the social rights of the unemployed and the creation of new rights”.

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