
Austria in turn suspended funding for the UN agency for Palestinian refugees

The UN refugee agency is in turmoil. After France, it is Austria’s turn to suspend its funding to the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA). Accused of involvement in Hamas attacks in Israel on October 7, 2023, the agency will no longer receive money from Austria until “”.A thorough, expeditious and thorough investigation into these allegations.” will not be carried out. Nine donor states, including the United States, Germany and Japan, have announced similar measures in recent days. Follow our live stream.

Iran has denied involvement in the Jordanian drone attack. US President Joe Biden threatened the perpetrators of the revenge attack and blamed pro-Iranian groups. The attack killed three American service members and injured at least 34 others. This is the first time that an American soldier has been killed in the Middle East since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Four men were hanged in Iran. According to the Iranian justice agency Mizan Online, he was accused of spying for Israel and was executed early in the morning. The four convicts were arrested in July 2022 while they were preparing an operation on behalf of the Mossad against the Ministry of Defense headquarters in Isfahan, a major city in central Iran, the agency said. He was sentenced to death in September 2023.

Thousands of Israelis are demanding settlements in Gaza. During the gathering, held in Jerusalem on Sunday evening, 12 ministers were present, including the Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gavir, who declared that he wanted. “Encourage Voluntary Migration”, Referring to a group of Israeli settlements once established in Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has never supported the plan to reopen settlements in Gaza until now, declaring that it was not. “Not a real goal”.

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