
Why is Three Kings Day not celebrated with such consistency in northern Mexico? | News from Mexico

Mexico.— In the north MexicoThe arrival of the three wise men is not as common as in other regions of the country, as they prefer to adopt traditions. More influence Americans. while in Central and southern MexicoThe morning of January 6 is a special moment for millions of children waiting to open their presents after a visit from Melchior, Gaspar and Baltazar.

These three biblical characters, who visited Jesus at his birth with gold, frankincense and myrrh, They are rooted in the Mexican tradition of receiving gifts on January 6. However, in North of the countryThe celebration takes a different turn. Families receive gifts on December 25 courtesy of Santa Clauswho descends the chimney in his reindeer-drawn sleigh.

festival of King’s Day has a rich and varied history, with roots dating back to colonial times New Spain. Miguel Angel Ayala, professor of social sciences, explains that the syncretic tradition has changed over time, Incorporating elements such as the king’s thread during the Middle Ages.

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The introduction of holiday gifts is a more recent phenomenon of the 20th century, and has become an essential part of the celebration. A culture of the Three Wise Men prevails in central Mexico, While in the north, the Anglo-Saxon influence, particularly that of Santa Claus, is more pronounced.

Professor Larins Valera Castro has highlighted how Anglo-Saxon culture, with the figure of Santa Claus, spread to the north of Mexico, while the tradition of the Three Wise Men prevailed in the center of the country. This cultural duality is also reflected in the way Christmas is celebrated, with some areas choosing the Christ Child and the Three Wise Men on January 6 and others adopting the custom of Santa Claus on December 25.

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Although the preference for receiving gifts on December 25 is evident in the North, the celebration of the Three Wise Men does not go completely unnoticed. The tradition of breaking the king’s thread continues, distributed in homes, workplaces and various gatherings. The lucky person who finds the figure of the baby Jesus Christ in their piece of cake becomes host to tamales during the celebration of Candlemas Day on February 2, keeping alive a tradition in Mexican culture.

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