
Never forget a birthday again with this simple task on your smartphone

Can’t remember your loved ones birthday? To avoid the embarrassing maze, use a simple function on your smartphone: it will remind you of your order when the time comes!

“Tell me, haven’t you forgotten anything today?” You must have heard this phrase said by someone you love. Yes, we’ve all experienced that embarrassing moment at least once when we realize we’ve forgotten a birthday! At the same time, it’s not always easy to remember the names of everyone you’re used to being around – especially when you come from or are part of a large family. ‘A large group of friends. The worst thing is that sometimes we remember it, but we have no idea what day it is! Result: We come across as careless people.

If this happens to you often, know that technology can help you in this area. Indeed, more and more tools are coming to support us in this task. This is especially the case for Facebook reminders, which are very practical so that future dates are not missed, but also for specific applications. The fact is that not everyone is on social networks and, if so, not everyone provides their birthday. As for third-party apps, you have to be really motivated, because they take time to mess up your phone. Luckily, there’s a simple trick that lets your device remind you of your contacts’ birthdays. Yes, our smartphone has this name for nothing!

The easiest way to receive a birthday reminder is through Google Contacts, which is installed by default on Android devices. That’s because birthday information syncs with your calendar when you add people and enter their birthdays in Google Contacts. For this trick to work, open your calendar and display the left sidebar menu. Tap “Settings” and scroll down to “Birthday”. Then check that the “Contacts” box is activated. Once this option is activated, all you have to do is add the birthday date to each contact’s profile in your calendar – or at least the one you want to remember. To do this, go to the contact, click on the edit option and fill in the section called “birthday” by adding the date of birth of the person in question. From now on, this event will appear on your calendar, and you will receive a notification to remind you of it.

If you are using an iPhone, the method is almost the same. Go to the Contacts app. Select the person in question, then tap “Edit” at the top right of the screen. Tap on “Add Birthday” and enter your loved one’s date of birth. And there you have it, the Apple Calendar app suggests events every year!

A simple operation, but one that must be carried out for every important contact in your directory. And unless you’re very well-rounded, it can quickly become boring and pointless. To save time, just ask Google Assistant or Siri to create a birthday reminder, specifying that it’s a recurring item that happens every year—that’s how it works. ‘Birthday. This date will then be automatically inserted into your calendar/agenda application, and you will receive a reminder notification each time. Now you have no excuse, including being lazy, for not remembering it!

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