
A teenage girl dies of common cancer at 14: her parents decide to treat her with honey and cloves

A 14-year-old Austrian girl died of an incurable, widespread cancer. Her parents, who tried to treat her with cinnamon and cloves, risked jail time.

It was in February 2023 that the girl was admitted to an Austrian hospital. But the doctors can’t do anything for her now: she has a very serious common cancer. According to our Swiss colleagues at Blick, she died at the age of 14 just days after her admission.

Earlier, the Austrian had already lost a lot of weight in a short period of time. She also had difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing and signs of paralysis.

Honey and cloves as medicine

Today, her parents are accused of inflicting “physical suffering” on their daughter. The Federal Ministry of Justice also accused him of leaving her “vulnerable due to her disability and illness” and “not providing her with sufficient information about her illness, its progress and treatment options.”

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A few months before she was admitted to the hospital, a tumor was found in the girl’s leg. But parents may have preferred to use “healers” instead of traditional medicine. The girl was treated with a mixture of honey, ginger, cinnamon and cloves. The healers defend themselves and say they forced the parents to hospitalize the young girl.

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The parents risk up to three years in prison but plead not guilty. According to him, she was a “very assertive and confident” young girl who wanted to be treated this way.

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