
Bruno Le Maire welcomes the establishment of senior indicators in companies, a system that… does not exist – Liberation

Speaking on France Inter about measures favorable to the employment of older people, the Minister of Economy mentioned the pension reform system which was censored by the Constitutional Council.

As part of his book promotion, he was invited to the France Inter morning show on Monday morning The French wayThe minister of the economy, Bruno Le Maire, was questioned on the issue of seniors, whose employment rate in France is among the lowest in Europe.

Lia Salame: “We have had morning meetings with you (…) and whenever you talk to us about the employment of seniors. (…) Every time, your answer is the same: companies must take their responsibilities. You have been repeating it tirelessly for seven years… it does not change.” Feedback from Bruno Le Mare: “First of all, I do not tirelessly repeat without making decisions: we have set indexes.”

No “Index” For employment of seniors? This expression resonates strongly with a system – commonly called “senior indexation” – that was provided for in the pension reform of March 2023 and pushed back the legal retirement age to 64 years. Its Article 2 provides for the publication of indicators on the employment of people over the age of 55 under financial penalty from November 1, 2023 in companies with more than 1,000 employees and from July 1, 2024 in companies with more than 300 employees. The system, inspired by the Index on Fine Professional Gender Equality, has been in force since 2019.

Censorship of April 14, 2023

Apart from the fact that the measure was censored by the Constitutional Council on April 14, 2023, sensible people believed that it had nothing to do with the financial text, in this case the corrective financing law for social security. To the great satisfaction of employers, who are hostile to the system. Along with the CDI for seniors, who suffered a similar fate from the Constitutional Council, they represented a major measure for the employment of the oldest, to counterbalance the increase in the legal retirement age. and has not since been restored by another text.

The senior index to which Le Mare refers simply does not exist. Questioned on the subject, those around him simply replied that he was “Something that (the majority) supported, that the minister defended and believed in.”. After the relaunch, while recognizing, that it was actually canceled by the judges of the rue de Montpensier.

Was the minister misled by some press articles? Several months after the decision, many sites continued to talk about it as if it would be implemented soon (Free lunch, Le Figaro or France 3, in October 2023), or as it was now in place (the echo in December). Many of the articles are still online today. Faced with the persistence of this misinformation on the web, the ANDRH (HRD Association) ended up publishing an article on its site, rejecting the move’s entry into force on November 1, 2023.

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