
Having problems gaining experience in the LoL jungle? What a section of society thinks!

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it is It’s relatively rare for League of Legends players and developers to agreeBut for once, both sides agree on the fact that There is a problem with the jungler position. According to the developers, the situation is not Neither attractive enough, nor powerful enough, Which would explain why players shun him. The latter holds a very different opinion, believing that If the role is very unpleasant, it is because it is very powerfulAnd that if a game goes badly, there are often at least one or two things the jungler will blame, namely they The main target of criticism from the other 4 players on the team. However, these are not the only problems faced by junglers, and gaining experience is also one of them, as evidenced by an anecdote that is unfathomable to say the least.

Is Jungle XP Gain broken?

Player PunCala recently shared A screenshot of one of its parts, asking Reddit users if they can explain to him why his opponent is ahead of him in terms of experience. In the image we immediately notice that PunCala has Much more farm, more kills, more assists and less deaths than his opponent, and so it seems logical that he would have a fairly comfortable XP lead. However His opponent is level 11 and he is only level 10.

The thought immediately comes to mind Diana may have stolen XP from another lane. However, we quickly note that All players have roughly the same amount of xp except botlane Where Silas support is two levels behind Alistar. Just looking at the botlane scores, coupled with the fact that the three of them would be sharing XP, seems likely It’s unlikely that Diana will just have afk bush on this lane. It must be admitted that Diana passed Nocturne, without any particular shenanigans, but due to other LoL rules.

Is Invisible XP the real curse?

In LoL, XP gain is not linear. a hen Not necessarily bringing the same amount of XP to each player, And several parameters are taken into account: minion and player level, game duration, position of the latter etc… This is the stated goal behind this method of calculating XP. Allow comebacks, and don’t play the game from the first death. The more difficult the team is, the more important these common benefits (gold, xp etc…) will be during a successful action.

This is what has happened in Punkala. He mainly fed on the opponent’s botlane, while Riven on the topplane also won his 1v1. Apart from that, at one point, The top was 2v2 won by Diana and Irelia. Killing the opposing team’s two most fed players allowed them to suddenly get back into the game, and Diana was able to get past the Nocturne even after receiving 2 waves of solo minions on the botlane while her teammates died. xp

However, even if we can explain how Diana was able to catch up, an important question remains: Is it right for a player in a competitive game to be invalidated by successfully completing 5 actions previously completed by their opponents?

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