
New practice authorized in 2024

Since November 2023, a major advance in the field of health has been implemented thanks to the Social Security Financing Act for 2024. The law, published in the Official Journal on December 27, 2023, gives pharmacists the right to directly offer urine infection screening tests. In pharmacies, without prior prescription. This measure, which greatly simplifies access to screening, represents a significant development in primary care management.

Who is affected by the pharmacy test?

This service is available Only for women aged 16 to 65 years, under certain conditions. It is important to note that the test is not suitable if you are pregnant, if you have had a UTI in the last 15 days, or if you have had more than three episodes of UTI in the last year. This precaution is very important to ensure the effectiveness and reliability of the test.

Testing procedure and costs

A screeningAt a cost of €6, 70% are covered by health insurance. The remaining 30% may be covered by your supplementary health insurance. During screening, pharmacists first assess symptoms to rule out any signs of seriousness. The patient then uses the bottle to collect a urine sample, which will be tested with a urine dipstick. Results are available within minutes.

Interpretation of results

  • If the test is positive : Pharmacists recommend medical consultation to get proper prescription.
  • If the test is negative : Urinary tract infection is excluded, and the pharmacist refers the patient for medical follow-up to identify the cause of the symptoms.

In all cases, the test results are sent to the attending physician for appropriate follow-up.

Doctor’s role in the process

Interestingly, if you have already seen a doctor for similar symptoms, they may give you a conditional prescription. Thus, in the event of a positive test at the pharmacy, you will be able to receive the necessary treatment directly without additional delay.

Legal texts and references

This new practice is governed by several legal texts, including Law No. 2023-1250 of December 26, 2023, and various decrees specifying the conditions for conducting these tests. These documents guarantee the legitimacy and credibility of this new process.

This legislative development represents a significant advance in the accessibility of primary health care. It demonstrates the continued commitment of health professionals to simplify and speed up the process of diagnosing and treating urinary tract infections.

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