
35 years after inventing the web, Tim Berners-Lee finally reacts: he is overwhelmed by the use humanity has made of his creation.

JVTech News 35 years after inventing the web, Tim Berners-Lee finally reacts: he is overwhelmed by the use humanity has made of his creation.


As the Internet celebrated its 35th anniversary on March 12, Tim Berners-Lee, considered the “father” of the Web, spoke about recent developments in its creation. He also made some predictions for the future.

In 1989, while working at CERN, the Swiss Particle Physics Research Center, Computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee had the idea to set up an information management system to allow his colleagues to easily share data with each other. He didn’t know it yet, but he had just laid the first stone of the Internet. In 1991, the World Wide Web was operationalAnd in 1993, Tim Berners-Lee managed to convince CERN to release the WWW source code into the public domain, so that everyone could benefit from it. The rest is history.

“I never could have predicted what it would turn out to be.”

After 35 yearsTim Berners-Lee approved Interview with American media CNBC To celebrate the anniversary of its creation. A computer scientist is clear: “When it all started, with all these changes, I could never have predicted what it would become”That explains.

Disturbed by the evolution of his creation, Tim Berners-Lee believes that certain developments have not gone in the right direction. He believes that social media feeds associated with artificial intelligence algorithms have contributed to it. wake up “Feelings of Anger, Irritation and Hate” people He also believes that due to the ease of producing all kinds of materials in many ways Losing control over data ownership People and businesses.

Image: Midjourney

35 years after inventing the web, Tim Berners-Lee finally reacts: he is overwhelmed by the use humanity has made of his creation.

Optimistic predictions from the creator of the web

However, for Tim Berners-Lee, the Internet is not doomed to go down. He even dares to make some optimistic predictions for his future. in the first place, The creators of the web think that everyone will have their personal assistant in the form of artificial intelligenceAnd that AI will profoundly change the way we use the web.

“One of the things that I predict – but it’s something that we have to fight for – is that you will have an AI assistant, that you can trust, and that works for you like a doctor”, he explains. AI starts invading smartphones, It is something quite easy to imagine.

Picture: Dal-E

35 years after inventing the web, Tim Berners-Lee finally reacts: he is overwhelmed by the use humanity has made of his creation.

later, Tim Berners-Lee believes that in the future, everyone will regain control of their data, which will be stored in a digital space independent of GAFAM. This is also a topic that computer scientists are working on through their startup, Inrupt.

Finally, He also believes that major tech companies may collapse in the future. This can happen in multiple situations, for example through excessive financial penalties for non-compliance with certain rules. CNBC also points out that the European Commission has the power to demand the winding up of companies “in extreme cases”. However, observers say this is unlikely to ever happen.

What is certain is For Tim Berners-Lee, the Internet is still in its infancy. Its evolution is not scripted and one cannot predict whether it will go in the right direction. The future will tell! While waiting to find out, the father of the Internet hopes to continue working in the right direction for a long time to come.

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