
Washington fears a Russian nuclear attack against its satellites in orbit

According to the American press, American intelligence is concerned about Russia’s plans to develop a nuclear space weapon. This weapon can endanger satellites in orbit by jamming their transmissions and commands.



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On February 15, 2024 at the Capitol US House Intelligence Chairman Rep.

American Michael Turner gave this warning on Wednesday, February 14. The Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee spoke “Information relating to a serious threat to national security”, a threat that would be related to Russia. He asked Joe Biden to release all information related to this threat, so that Congress, the government and its allies “Can discuss actions needed to address them”.

This enigmatic announcement sent the American press into a frenzy and opened the way for all kinds of speculation. Media such as NBC or CNN have mentioned “Russian Military Capabilities Alarming” Without giving further details. It was the CBS news channel that relied on anonymous sources, when it was the most accurate: Russia would intend to put a nuclear weapon in orbit to reduce its use against American satellites to be silenced by radiation.

Baseless accusations according to the Kremlin

If this were the case, Moscow would be violating the 1967 Outer Space Treaty that prohibits the deployment of nuclear weapons in space. The disclosure of the information, which has not been confirmed, forced a spokesman for the White House’s National Security Council to elaborate on Thursday. It would indeed be an anti-satellite weapon developed by Russia, but he refused to specify whether it had a nuclear dimension. John Kirby said there was no immediate threat. He also clarified that it was not a weapon that could be used against humans or cause destruction on Earth.

For Moscow, these accusations are baseless. Russia talks about discovery “contaminated”or else “Maneuver” From Washington, at a time when the American Congress is reluctant to accept $60 billion in aid for Ukraine (blocked for several months). These allegations could thus tip the scales in favor of the vote.

plausible weapon

But such a weapon, the purpose of which would be to destroy enemy satellites in space, is not extravagant. Last year, a report by an American think tank based in Washington mentioned Moscow’s development of weapons to “blind” other satellites without panicking. In any case, the debate surrounding Russia’s space capabilities awakens fears of a modern “Star Wars.” Abandonment of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, to which the United States and Russia have joined, could start a new arms race with all the risks that this includes the militarization of space.

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