Categories: USA

Trump and his ‘demolition team’ return to the White House on the horizon in Havana

Johanna TabladaDeputy Director of the United States Directorate of Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX), Warned that the “demolition team” would return to the White House Donald TrumpResponsible for tightening sanctions against Havana.

“In 2024 there is still the possibility of a second term for President Joe Biden, but also that in January 2025, what I am saying, President Trump’s demolition team will return,” the official said in an interview with the official Prensa Latina.

“But we also don’t know who will come in January or who will take control. “This is a country where they are very polarized, where there are emerging forces of an almost fascist nature, and where anti-civilizational values ​​such as racism, xenophobia and discrimination have become fashionable,” he said. .

Tablada, who summarized the several-day trip to Washington in the interview, said he had “more than 20 meetings in various sectors, universities, with organizations interested in doing business with Cuba and with citizens living here.” He met with members of Congress, representatives Both the House and the Senate met together, the note states.

about For Joe Biden’s administration, the official believed her “tragic legacy” would be the largest migration wave in Cuban history, “which has been very unfortunate for the Cuban population.” He asserted that this exodus, which has caused more than half a million Cubans to leave the island alone for the United States in just two years, “is the result of an irrational, insensitive and disconnected from the stakes of reality, which, by thinking and depriving the people, of all sources of income in the Cuban economy will cut off, derail the process of freedom and sovereignty like ours.”

“This is a policy that has been implemented since 1959, when the Cuban Revolution was triumphant, and it does not serve the main purpose of breaking the will of the Cuban people to move forward,” he commented.

Tablada refrained from mentioning that the wave increased in November 2021 when the Nicaraguan regime announced visa exemptions for Cubans on the island.Which created a migration bridge that favored the drainage of widespread discontent, which manifested itself with the social outbursts of July of the same year.

The official asserted that Washington is resorting to “demagogic reasons” to maintain its policy of pressure against Havana, and cited “excuses”. such as foreign military bases in Cuba or the Cuban government’s program to send troops to Ukraine”.

“It is absolutely false and has been denied, as is the allegation the Chinese base makes every week. The Wall Street Journal with complete impunity and without attachment to any evidence,” he stressed. Meanwhile, Evidence of the presence of hundreds of Cubans from the island as mercenaries in Russia appears with increasing frequency without its Caribbean ally taking steps to stop it.

According to Tablada, Washington “uses a permanent fraud with the issue of human rights, in which the United States government gives privileged treatment to people who are the targets or recipients of its financing projects for its intervention programs in the internal policy of Cuba” .

These individuals, he added, “are then presented as heroes that they are not, because they have no support in our society.” Tablada did not clarify why, if so, The regime he represents exposes itself to the world by imprisoning hundreds of Cubans under harsh sentences for peacefully demonstrating.Or while passing repressive laws that include prison sentences for social media posts.

For Tablada, “Joe Biden’s government policy essentially follows Donald Trump’s government policy.” This, in the context of Havana’s frustration that former Vice President Barack Obama did not resume the relations policy of his predecessor as promised. The official took harsh repression against civilians after 9/11 out of his equation, causing Biden to rethink his policy.

Clarifying Havana’s failure to woo the American president, whose election she celebrated and encouraged, the official reiterated that, with this position, Biden “also failed to fulfill the election promise that the inhumane measures that affected the Cuban family would be lifted.” .”

For Tablada, however, the embargo policy “We must recognize and accept that they have succeeded in destroying the standard of living of Cuban men and women.s, who have succeeded in creating a difficult situation for our population.

Repeating the official mantra of blaming the United States for decades of terrible economic management, for the work order and even for the economic package that the Communist Party is implementing these days, Tablada remarked that “Every day it becomes more difficult, if not more, to hide. Impossible, “there is a direct correlation between the impact of Trump’s maximum pressure measures maintained by Biden and the wave of migration produced since Cuba was fraudulently and unjustly included on the list of state sponsors of terrorism.”

“As we know, it’s not just another condemnation. It’s a measure that goes straight to the jugular of the Cuban economy,” he said.

The official Tablada assumed that MINREX is collecting data on penalties imposed by the Department of Commerce on Havana’s trading partners.That would have “broken the previous years record.”

He also mentioned, among the “criminal” measures being implemented against the Cuban regime, what Regarding the export of professionals, called “disinformation operation with Cuban medical cooperation”. which UN mechanisms have condemned as examples of labor exploitation and violations of basic human rights such as freedom of movement.

But for the MINREX official, what exists against Havana is a deception operation, a logic “in which I’m doing everything I can to strangle your economy and at the same time I’m financing a permanent and systematic disinformation operation with hundreds of millions of dollars.” .Hold the victim responsible for the impact of these measures.

Notwithstanding all the above, Tablada assured that he will not lose hope that Washington will stop demanding accountability from the regime he represents.: “I am optimistic, not that there is any sign, because we honestly do not see any real will; this policy of abuse, extreme measures, cannot be changed if there is no political will for it. But, on the other hand “we “There’s a lot of pressure and interest in different sectors of North American society.”

“We have reiterated to the government of the United States and our counterparts here that the Cuban government’s position continues to move toward civilized relations, to meet at any negotiating table where there is a topic of common interest.” he commented.

And, after all of the above, he admitted: “In 2023, it is no secret to anyone, certain spaces for cooperation and exchange have been restored, although strict measures affecting the lives of Cubans have been maintained. The United States government”.

For Tablada, this shows “the good will of the Cuban government, in full harmony with the aspirations of its people, to live peacefully with its nearest neighbor.”

Notwithstanding the above, the officer If that position is true, he refrained from mentioning why Havana kept Victor Manuel Rocha as a spy for decades.A senior State Department diplomat who has been in jail since December has pleaded guilty to working for island intelligence. Tablada doesn’t even mention it.

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