
They find a missing medical student who tells PNC that he was threatened to help an injured person.

A missing medical student in Huhutenango was located on Friday, January 5 around 9:30 p.m.

A young man named Eric Estuardo Figueroa, 27 years old, was reported missing on the same January 5 and a complaint was registered in the file MP214-2024-24.

The report mentions that he was last seen on his way to Chelam Village, San Sebastian, Huhutenango. The student was doing his Supervised Professional Exercise (EPS) at the Western University Center.

The National Civil Police (PNC) reported to its police department that the young man was at his home with his mother at night.

Information provided by authorities details the moment in which Figueroa may have been detained. According to the document, the young man may have said he was going to a meeting at the health center in Aldea Tzabal, municipality of San Sebastian H, and was asking for a ride.

Then, according to a report by PNC, “while he was in the vehicle, they put a gun to his head and told him they were going to take him to treat a man with a leg injury, without providing more information about what happened, which showed Nor would he cooperate further.

PNC also assures that he showed no signs of violence or injury. Due to Figueroa’s appearance, the authority will notify the Public Ministry, where the disappearance was already reported.

The report of the disappearance was known through a publication on social networks by the Western University Center.

Health officials are different

The health authorities compiling the medical students’ EPS differed from the version the youth provided to the PNC authorities.

“Everything indicates that it was a lie on the part of the boy not to attend the prescribed activity in the community where he was assigned. What he didn’t consider was that the entire anti-kidnap protocol would be activated,” EPS coordination officials reported.

Coordinators of supervised internships for medical students asked for clarification of the situation. “EPS are valuable employees for DRISSHUEHUE, we have more than 120 students in priority communities and if the situation is not clarified, no one will want to come to Huhutenango,” they explained.

Additionally, they pointed out that “institutional staff are already sending out requests not to go to that community ‘because it’s dangerous'” and that “the population of San Sebastián Huhutenango is upset because they suggest their municipality turned out badly.” is.”

“As a country, we are saddened by the news of the abduction of a student,” they said.

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