
The attack on the Braithwaite mansion is one of the most exciting moments in gaming

There is nothing like that feeling when you know you are experiencing something very special. There are many amazing games out there, but few manage to go beyond amazing. I’m talking about that moment when you play a mission or level and you know it will go down as one of the most iconic in video game history.

There’s Rainbow Road in Super Mario Kart, All Gilead Up in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Suicide Mission in Mass Effect 2, Warthog Run in Halo 3, Battle of Ker Morhain in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt or the memorable The Last of Us Part I prologue. Even if you haven’t played the mentioned levels, you probably have an idea. I fully expect Alan Wake 2’s musical level to join this mentioned mission as a modern classic, but that’s not the game I want to talk about today. I couldn’t list the iconic missions without mentioning the Braithwaite Manor sequence from Red Dead Redemption 2.

Take a look at some of our favorite wins and fails from Red Dead Redemption 2 below.

To this day, fans of Red Dead Redemption 2 consider the Braithwaite Manor sequence to be one of the greatest sequences ever seen in gaming. For the uninitiated, the level – titled Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern – sees the van der Linde gang launch an attack on Braithwaite Mandor after learning that Catherine Braithwaite has kidnapped young Jack Marston. It arguably features one of the best sequences in the game, something fans have flocked to discuss on Reddit.

“I’ve been playing games for 10 years in my short life and this is probably the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in a game,” user ModXMaG wrote, garnering over 5,500 upvotes. Loccyskillz added: “At this point I wonder if the people who say this game is boring have actually played all the way through. It is an iconic moment. » “The game creates a great atmosphere. It is an absolute masterpiece,” commented Janjapen. What is your favorite mission? I have to admit that I can’t forget the first time I met the Rat King from The Last of Us Part II at Ground Zero. It feels cold.

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