Video Health & Wellness

Musculoskeletal disorders: more than one in two French people suffer from them

A survey conducted by Sainte-Publique France makes it possible to measure the extent of musculoskeletal disorders in the population.More than…

6 months ago

Video – HIV “erased” from his body: Romuld is one of six people in the world cured of AIDS

It is a disease that still kills 600,000 people every year.There are only six patients in the world who are…

6 months ago

Video – HIV “erased” from his body: Romuld is one of six people in the world cured of AIDS

It is a disease that still kills 600,000 people every year.There are only six patients in the world who are…

6 months ago

Eat well, sleep well: Here are some tips to optimize your sleep

This Friday, March 15, is International Sleep Day: 59% of French people have noticed a deterioration in their sleep in…

6 months ago

Male Perineum: What is the role of this neglected yet essential muscle?

In women, many events such as pregnancy or menopause can damage the perineum.The pelvic floor muscles play an important role…

6 months ago

Coconut Oil: A Superfood That Does Us Good From Head To Toe!

Also called copra oil, coconut oil is a friend who wants only our good.It is used in cooking as well…

7 months ago

Chernobyl mutant wolves may have developed resistance to cancer

For more than 35 years, animals have roamed the Chernobyl wasteland.Exposed to carcinogenic radiation, some of them transformed into wolves.A…

7 months ago

Alzheimer’s, but a contagious disease?

Currently, Alzheimer's disease is considered a spontaneous or hereditary development.But British researchers suggest it can also be transmitted between patients.At…

8 months ago

Do you know the “meat sweat,” that post-digestive phenomenon that makes you sweat profusely?

You've probably experienced this before: After a protein-rich meal, you feel hot flashes or sweat profusely.This event, called "meat sweats,"…

8 months ago

Cellulite: What Foods Should You Choose to Reduce Orange Peel Skin Naturally?

Due to the accumulation of fatty deposits under the skin, cellulite is a nightmare for many people.Our diet also proves…

8 months ago