
Less stress, fun, energy…the benefits of this activity for seniors

From the youngest to the oldest, almost everyone listens to music regularly. This activity is not only done for fun,…

7 months ago

Prepare yourself for a hassle-filled administrative journey

Retirement is one of the most awaited moments by some people. But, to take full advantage of it, you should…

7 months ago

Employers resume discussions on the creation of “senior permanent contracts”.

In France, the employment rate for 60-64 year olds in 2022 is 36.2%, compared to 63% in Germany and over…

7 months ago

Which is most recommended for seniors

Seniors are part of the category of individuals most vulnerable to the effects of dehydration. However, heat waves that become…

7 months ago

Retirement penalty for unemployed seniors after age 50?

Finding a job is an obstacle course for seniors over 50. To tackle unemployment among this segment of the population,…

7 months ago

Elections in the US: Neither Biden nor the Democratic Party are reconsidering the nomination | USA election

The Diplomatic Room, a charming room decorated in pastel tones on the ground floor of the White House, is usually…

7 months ago

Night reception in EHPAD as an option for carers

To avoid losing their bearings, Many elderly people prefer to stay at home. However, caregivers cannot be available full-time to…

8 months ago

Four secrets according to a serious study

Living long and in good health is a universal desire. But what are the secrets to achieving extraordinary longevity? Researchers…

8 months ago