
Fitch should maintain France’s rating

" data-script="" > The American rating agency believes the government's stated objectives are "increasingly out of reach" but France's credit…

6 months ago

CNRS, Ademe, CNC… Structure of state managers in places of Bercy

By Julie Ruiz Published 5 hours ago, Update 4 hours ago " It is not up to me to decide…

6 months ago

Towards record returns according to Lloyds boss

by Le Figaro with AFP published 1 hour ago, Update 13 minutes ago " data-script="" > Bruce Carnegie-Brown estimates that…

6 months ago

Visiting Brazil, Macron says EU-Mercosur deal is “very bad”.

by Le Figaro with AFP published Last night at 11:10 pm, Update Yesterday at 11:39 pm Emmanuel Macron in Sao…

6 months ago

Atal does not want a tax hike for the middle classes, but does not rule out taxing super profits

" data-script="" > Questioned on TF1, the Prime Minister recalled Emmanuel Macron's commitment not to raise taxes, without mentioning the…

6 months ago

Moody’s considers it “unlikely” that France will meet its objective of reducing the public deficit to 2.7% by 2027.

by Le Figaro with AFP Published 49 minutes ago, Update 7 minutes ago The American rating agency was pessimistic about…

6 months ago

Countries, sectors, farms… Who really gets the 58 billion euros from the CAP?

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), established in 1962, is the most important support mechanism financed by the European Union. But…

6 months ago

As Bruno Le Maire states, can the difference between net and gross pay really reach more than “40% to 50%”?

On average, each employee must deduct 23% of their gross pay to arrive at their net pay. By REUTERS /…

6 months ago

The FBI says passengers can become victims of crime

by Le Figaro with AFP published Yesterday at 10:57 pm, Update Yesterday at 11:04 pm Boeing 737 Max planes. Lauren…

6 months ago

Why customers won’t see “not homemade” on the menu

The term "homemade" was introduced by law in 2014. anannahabed - A bill aimed at imposing the controversial mention…

6 months ago