
Is it a good time to buy a thermal strainer?

Is now a good time to buy? As always, and perhaps more than usual, it is better to make a…

7 months ago

How much do you need to earn to become a homeowner in 2024?

Are you looking to invest in your primary residence, second home or rental property? Rising interest rates starting in 2022…

7 months ago

This American bought an apartment in Italy and got a “big surprise”.

(CNN) -- People from all over the world are looking to buy attractive old houses in different towns in Italy.…

7 months ago

Forced to live with their ex-partners in the United States due to the housing crisis.

The housing crisis in the US is forcing people to live with their ex-partners. Photo: Getty Images (Photo by Alto/Frederick…

7 months ago

140,000 homes could fall out of range of the energy sieve

by Le Figaro with AFP published Last night at 11:20 pm, Update Yesterday at 11:33 PM According to him, a…

7 months ago

Thermal strainers: improve eyesight

By Jorge Carasso published Last night at 8:20 pm, Update Yesterday at 10:24 pm Owners who have already completed DPE…

7 months ago

Why housing construction is collapsing in France

This reduction in activity will affect all businesses involved in real estate development. NICOLAS GUYONNET/Hans Lucas via AFP Decryption -…

8 months ago

Canada has extended its ban on housing purchases by foreigners for two years

A ban on foreign investors buying urban housing in Canada from early 2023 will be extended to Jan. 1, 2027…

8 months ago

In Canada, foreigners are prohibited from buying a home until 2027

A ban on foreign investors buying urban housing in Canada starting in 2023 will be extended to Jan. 1, 2027,…

8 months ago

Boomers in the US don’t want to leave their homes, and that’s a problem for young families

(CNN) -- Buying a family-sized house with three or more bedrooms was possible for young people with children. But with…

8 months ago