Health Policy

“A major health scandal”: Patients victimized by Androcor and other progestins attack the state

Women suffering from brain tumors, after taking the progestin Androcar, are suing the state for compensation.The two requests were filed…

6 months ago

Musculoskeletal disorders: more than one in two French people suffer from them

A survey conducted by Sainte-Publique France makes it possible to measure the extent of musculoskeletal disorders in the population.More than…

6 months ago

Eat well, sleep well: Here are some tips to optimize your sleep

This Friday, March 15, is International Sleep Day: 59% of French people have noticed a deterioration in their sleep in…

6 months ago

Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s Disease… 25 Associations Threaten to “Disintegrate” Health Care

Twenty-five associations of chronically ill people expressed their concerns on Monday 4 March about the safety of the current system…

7 months ago

When is obesity considered a “disease”?

A major public health problem, obesity is a scourge that affects nearly one in two adults in France.Depending on BMI,…

7 months ago

Cancer: 77% rise in cases between 2022 and 2050, WHO warns

Around 35 million new cases of cancer are expected in 2050, the WHO agency said on Thursday.Cause: Aging and population…

8 months ago

Cancer: 77% rise in cases between 2022 and 2050, WHO warns

Around 35 million new cases of cancer are expected in 2050, the WHO agency said on Thursday.Cause: Aging and population…

8 months ago

Cancer screening: France must “redouble its efforts”.

Breast, colorectal and cervical cancer screening is inadequate, the National Cancer Institute and Health Insurance warned this Friday.The two organizations…

8 months ago