
Adenomyosis, this “intrinsic endometriosis” is poorly recognized by medicine

Kinga Krzeminska/Getty Images Although it is known to mainly affect people in their forties who have already had several children,…

1 month ago

What is the management after discontinuing progestins?

Lutéran, Lutényl, Androcur or even Surgestone: For many women suffering from endometriosis, very painful and bleeding periods, acne or disorders…

2 months ago

Endometriosis, Laetitia’s obstacle course: “I was told it was all in my head”…

“Most people think it's just pain during your period. If only it were... but it's sadly far from being the…

2 months ago

Stop eating these foods if you have endometriosis – Tuxboard

Endometriosis is a very painful disease that disrupts the lives of many women. Here are the foods to avoid if…

3 months ago