
Sunday is a national day of mourning in Russia

The video appears to have been shot by the attackers and broadcast on the Islamic State group’s account

According to the SITE group, which specializes in counter-terrorism research, the video, shot by the Crocus City Hall attackers in a suburb near Moscow, was broadcast on social network accounts commonly used by the Islamic State (IS) organization.

“The attack was carried out by four fighters(organization) Islamic State armed with machine guns, pistols, knives and incendiary bombs », the jihadist movement said on Telegram on Saturday. The Islamic State in Khorasan (EI-K), the Afghan branch of the group, claimed responsibility for the attack on Friday evening.

The one-minute-and-thirty-one-second video shows men armed with assault rifles, with blurred faces, inside Crocus City Hall. The attackers fire several explosions, numerous lifeless bodies litter the ground and we can see the start of a fire in the background.

Despite the claims, neither Russian President Vladimir Putin nor the Russian Security Services (FSB) have charged the jihadist group.

On the other hand, the FSB confirmed on Saturday that the suspects in the attack – eleven people, including the four alleged attackers, according to the Kremlin – had been arrested. “Contacts” in Ukraine. It is important to clarify with this formulation (of “Contacts”) FSB does not directly accuse Kyiv authorities of participating in the attack. Furthermore, the FSB did not elaborate on the nature of this “Contacts” Nor is there any proof of their existence.

The Russian president assured in a televised address on Saturday that “Four Straight Writers (attack)All those who shot and killed people »When they were arrested “Tried to escape and headed for Ukraine”. “According to preliminary information (investigators), The way was prepared on the Ukrainian side (allow them) cross the border (Russian) »He continued.

Ukraine, which denied any involvement in the attack on Friday evening, once again rejected Russian accusations.“incompetent and absurd”Saturday. “Ukraine has nothing to do with this incident”Adviser to the Ukrainian Presidency, Mykhailo Podoliak insisted.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Saturday that he hoped this would not be a terrorist attack “an excuse” to one “Increase in violence”In a clear allusion to Ukraine.

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