
Sesame seeds, according to this gastroenterologist, why we should put them on our plates more often

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Often overlooked in our daily diet, sesame seeds are actually nutritional gems with multiple benefits.. On Instagram, gastroenterologist William Barreby revealed all the benefits of this essential ingredient for making delicious tahini. Apart from adding flavor to your dishes, this sesame paste is a real source of well-being for your body.

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A post shared by Dr William Berebi (@drwilliamberrebi).

Sesame seeds are rich in trace elements and minerals essential for our health. As gastroenterologists show on social networks, Along with being a particularly important source of iron, this food provides significant amounts of zinc, magnesium and calcium.“With 20 grams of sesame seeds, we have enough intake to meet our daily iron requirements”, Doctor William Barreby explains. These elements, among other things, help reduce fatigue, prevent certain diseases such as cancer, and strengthen hair and nails.

However, despite their nutritional benefits, it is important to consume sesame seeds because of their calorie density. Health professionals recommend not eating more than 20 grams of sesame seeds per day as they are considered relatively high in calories. According to a gastroenterologist, this amount contains about 127 kcal.

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