League of Legends LoLdle January 8, 2024 answers have been unveiled. This captivating online game offers five interesting puzzles per day available to solve on the official LoLdle website. The challenges you will face will come with clues related to League of Legends champions. Here is the January 8 quote puzzle:
“Such untapped power!”
All answers for January 8th LoLdle are given below.
Hekarim, Sindra and other League of Legends Answers for LoLdle 550th Edition (January 8, 2024)
Following are the League of Legends LoLdle solutions for this edition’s puzzles:
- Excellent: Hekarim
- Quote: Syndra
- Capacity: Briar; Bonus: R
- Emoji: Karma
- Splash Art: tariq, Bonus: Armor Tariq of the Fifth Age
Hekarim, a notable jungle champion, hails from the Shadow Isles. Notably, it first emerged in 2012 in a MOBA game. Subsequently, one should find it easy to pair her with Syndra, as she has considerable popularity among mid-lane champions.
Briar’s E capacity is quite easy to distinguish, which can be easily identified. Then, experienced players should be well familiar with Karma’s emojis, as she is a great support champion. Finally, it shouldn’t be hard to recognize Taric’s armor from the fifth era splash art.
Past League of Legends LoLdle Answers
Here are some previous LoLdle answers:
- January 7, LoLdle 549: Amumu, Draven, Shane, Samira, V
- January 6, LoLdle 548: Corky, Ashe, Kalista, Blitzcrank, Janna
- January 5, LoLdle 547: Fiora, Zane, Caitlin, Nico, Sejuani
- January 4, LoLdle 546: Karma, Kha’Zix, Nafiri, Garen, Talon
- January 3, LoLdle 545: Zoe, Zaya, Gwen, Anne, Skarner
- January 2, LoLdle 544: Mordekaiser, Leona, Karm, Zack, Wallybear
- January 1, LoLdle 543: Ryze, Renata Glass, Evelynn, Jax, Poppy
- December 31, LoLdle 542: Garen, Seraphine, Darius, Master Yi, Sivir
- December 30, LoLdle 541: LeBlanc, Twitch, Lucian, Milio, Kassadin
- December 29, LoLdle 540: Nasus, Zoe, Ivern, Ryze, Graves
- December 28, LoLdle 539: Rakan, Amumu, K’Sante, Cassiopeia, Bel’veth
- December 27, LoLdle 538: Yorick, Samira, Trundle, Malphite, Heimerdinger
- December 26, LoLdle 537: Wukong, Heimerdinger, Jhin, Katarina, Master Yi
- December 25, LoLdle 536: Yasuo, Lysandra, Rakan, Draven, Nunu and Willamp
- December 24, LoLdle 535: Twitch, Tristana, Cindra, Victor, Darius
- December 23, LoLdle 534: Nautilus, Yorick, Cassadine, Quinn, Warwick
Answers for the 551st edition of League of Legends LoLdle will be published on January 9, 2024.