
Is there really an anti-cancer diet?

Can we really say that this or that food prevents cancer, such as turmeric, green tea, garlic, raspberries, or should we instead adopt more general health and dietary measures?

We will also look at what type of diet promotes the appearance of certain cancers, the role of cooking and storage methods.
And then after taking an interest in colon and pancreatic cancer a couple of weeks ago, focus on liver and stomach cancer this morning…

Our experts are waiting for all your questions on the switchboard and on WhatsApp on 01 45 24 7000, on the France Inter app and on the GBVF Facebook page.


Marie-Christine Boutron-Rualt, Director of Research at Inserm, a former internal medicine doctor and hepato-gastroenterologist at the Institut Mutualiste Montsouris in Paris.

Boris Hansel, Endocrinologist and nutritionist at Bichat Hospital (AP-HP, Paris) where he heads the Nutrition-Prevention Unit. He teaches medicine at Paris City University. He coordinates the YouTube channel PUMS (for good health) and also airs videos on the theme of nutrition on the channel Dr.B.H..
Author of No fat or sugarCo-authored with Benoit Molin, Flamrian 2018

Menon Clavier, Dietitian Nutritionist – Health Nutrition Columnist (Freelance)

Chronicle so here it is Baptiste Beaulieu

hello doctor

35 minutes

Cancer, a new era

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