
France’s roads are deteriorating dangerously, the findings are alarming

Do you drive on damaged roads, potholes, faded markings? You are not alone. The French Road Union condemns the lack of maintenance of French roads, which will require 2,000 billion euros to restore.

Roads are deteriorating France’s roads are deteriorating dangerously, the findings are alarming
Roads are deteriorating © Justin Tellis/Report Digital-REA

The Union Routier de France (URF) is sounding the alarm: The condition of the roads in France is deteriorating dangerously. A chronic lack of investment, combined with the priority given to rail, threatens the safety of motorists and undermines the economy.

French roads: a deplorable condition that endangers users

France, once a leader in road infrastructure has come to 18th place in the world In terms of quality. The observation is overwhelming: potholes, cracks, ruts… The French road network is visibly deteriorating.

This situation is the result of unfavorable investment policy for roads. In 2022, 57% of transport infrastructure spending was dedicated to rail, compared to Only 15% for roads. Worse, the budget allocated for road maintenance continues to decline, suggesting a more pronounced deterioration of the network.

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French roads are deterioratingFrench roads are deteriorating
French roads are deteriorating

A road network in poor condition is dangerous for motorists. Potholes and other imperfections may be present of course causes accidents, sometimes severe. It goes without saying that it is more difficult to drive on a rutted road, which can increase driver fatigue and stress.

But that’s not all: so is the condition of the roads Negative impact on the economy, says URF. Poor roads slow down traffic and increase fuel consumption. They may also, if we go further, deter tourists and businesses from coming to France.

Faced with this alarming observation, the Union calls for the Route de France Immediate awareness of public authorities. For the URF, increasing investment in the maintenance and modernization of the French road network is imperative: the safety of motorists and the vitality of our economy depend on it.

  • The French Road Union released its annual report, which highlighted the state’s underinvestment in the maintenance of French roads.
  • A chronic lack of investment is responsible.
  • Motorists’ safety and economy are at risk.

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