
Best tips to improve your mental health

This mental health It is one of the essential aspects to have a good quality of life.

Through her meditation, Not only that, diseases can be avoided Psychological Which can affect you, but, tools can be developed to increase your welfare And learn to handle different types of situations.

That is why the New York Times has recently prepared with the advice of experts A list with key factors that should be considered To do throughout the year.

Your recommendations They cover aspects from better sleep to looking at aging with optimism and explore the little elements that might surprise you. in everyday life.

This is what they suggested.

10 tips to improve your mental health and increase your well-being, according to experts. Photo: Ref.

It is known that the number of hours of sleep recommended by experts It is a key factor in replenishing energy and being able to function optimally.

However, on social networks like TikTok you can find videos of techniques that promise to help you with this, It should always be considered that the methods are recognized by experts. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve effective results or, even worse, face adverse health problems.

According to the above media, There are studies that have proven that cognitive-behavioral therapy can be just as useful as medication for treating insomnia..

for this, If you have problems sleeping, it is advisable to see a doctor To assess the best ways to deal with your situation.

It is normal for people to experience it at certain times. but, A controlled level of anxiety can be useful to help alert the alarm system and identify threats.

although, When it becomes chronic or persists over time, it becomes a problem..

“If you start to notice that anxiety and fear are constantly present, it’s a sign that you need help”Petros Levonis, president of the American Psychiatric Association, told the Times.

To this may be added Symptoms include sweating, tremors, difficulty concentrating and increased heart rateamong others.

Responsibilities associated with one’s personal routine may, in some cases, lead one to constantly think about aspects that cause anxiety.

Although it is normal to worry about related issues, you should not let these thoughts occupy your mind. And don’t let us be in peace.

In addition to setting limits, distracting activities can be helpful in this area. where appropriate.

A strategy they suggest Set a timer for 10 to 30 minutes to give yourself some time to think about topics that worry you. Once this time is up, you must continue.

is important Don’t let these worries paralyze you and prevent you from moving forward with your daily life..

As its name suggests, it’s a method that promises to help you stay organized, though Although it may seem superficial, it has a significant impact.

Actions like Washing dishes or doing housework can be difficult when you are dealing with an illness. mental health.

however, Doing so will help you not only maintain a routine, but also help you live in a more organized and welcoming space..

Along these lines, a business consultant and author of a book How to keep a house while drowning (S&S/Simon Element, 2022), KC Davis suggested in a conversation with the Times “Sequence of 5 things” method.

It contains andFocus on 5 main categories of clutter—like dishes, trash, dirty clothes, things with a place, and things without a specific place—and tackle them one at a time. To achieve it effectively.

This refers to the concept Be appreciative and grateful for the aspects that life or others can deliver.

Experts were consulted by the above media They always recommend expressing it whenever possible, for example, by doing things like writing letters of gratitude or writing positive things that happened to you in a diary. of life.

10 tips to improve your mental health and increase your well-being, according to experts. Photo: Ref.

Although youth, it is common to value the aspects that aging brings It may bring with it aspects such as greater emotional intelligence or more experiences that you treasure..

that, according to the study, May also extend your lifespanIn addition to boosting your mental health.

Experts also recommended it to elderly people That they stay physically active and interact with their community or loved ones.

There are countless ways an artistic discipline can help you. The main points are through one Allow yourself a channel of expression.

It can be playing a musical instrument, painting, drawing, writing, dancing or acting.Just to name a few activities.

What matters is not how much experience you have in any of these areas, but how good it can make you feel..

It is common that many times people find great situations to surprise themselves in everyday life. however, Recognizing and appreciating the more subtle aspects can help you connect with your environment and yourself..

Under this issue, experts consulted by the Times suggested a method A “wonder walk,” which involves choosing a new or familiar place to walk and imagining that you are there for the first time..

Already in the middle of that space, one must Pay attention to each of the senses to perceive everything from the wind to the bark of the tree that touches your faceTo give some examples.

It seems obvious, but there are situations in which it is not put into practice. Even more so if you consider the constant emails and endless content offered by social networks..

Take some space to step away from the screen Can help both your mental and physical health.

And That doesn’t mean you should give up your cell phone forever. There is nothing like that.

Recommended by psychologist and educator Larry Rosen of California State University, Dominguez Hills Set a timer on your phone for 15 minutes.

Then you must Silence it and set it aside. Once this time is up, you can spend a minute or two reviewing the apps you like the most and then get back to focusing on what you were doing for about 15 minutes..

That strategy It promises to help you so that your interest in your cell phone does not interfere with your concentration on the activities you plan to undertake..

Practice breathing that way Helps in relaxation, regulates heart rate and lowers blood pressureAmong other benefits.

In addition, It can be especially useful for dealing with situations that cause anxiety, stress or fear..

is noteworthy It is always advisable to go to a specialist to assess your particular case. And the best ways to address it.

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