217! This is the number of Covid-19 vaccines announced by a 62-year-old German who received it within 29 months. Of these, 134 are official confirmations for vaccination. The goal of the man from the city of Magdeburg was to sell proof of vaccination cards to the unvaccinated, even if it meant going beyond national medical advice.
A personal case of hyper vaccination
This case of hypervaccination provides a rare opportunity to study the immune system’s response to sustained challenge. AntigensAntigens No SARS-CoV-2SARS-CoV-2. German researchers reported their findings The Lancet Infectious Diseases. According to him, the immune system of a hyper-vaccinated patient is fully functional. Blood tests show that a person has a large number of effector memory T cells (which promote the immune response. virusvirus), more than those who received only three vaccines. On the other hand, it appears that other immune cells were present in similar amounts in these people and in the hypervaccinated man. ” Overall, we found no indication of a weakened immune response, quite the opposite. “, said study co-author Katharina Kocher.
However, this is an individual case and there is no indication that the number of vaccines should be increased. ” Current research suggests that three-dose vaccination, combined with regular follow-up vaccines for vulnerable groups, remains the approach of choice.
», added immunologist Kilian Schober.