Categories: Health

A Roadmap for Health Sovereignty and Social Well-Being – Pharmaceutical Policy and Intellectual Property

Colombia’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MinCiencias) has announced the launch of a public consultation for the definition of roadmaps for mission-oriented research and innovation policies (PIIOM) that will guide the portfolio’s actions over the next decade. The consultation, which will be held from December 29 to January 22, 2024, seeks active participation of citizens in the formulation of these policies.

These mission-oriented policies are developed with the participation of the quadruple helix, which includes academia, the productive sector, civil society and the state. The purpose of the consultation is to collect contributions and opinions on Mission-Oriented Research and Innovation Policies (PIIOM), which are linked to the five axes of transformation of the National Development Plan “Colombia”. World Power 2022-2026”.

Five missions were identified

The five missions identified are: Bioeconomy and Territory, Human Right to Food – Zero Hunger, Energy Transition, Health Sovereignty and Science for Social Well-Being and Peace. Each mission aims to address specific challenges aligned with the changes demanded by Colombian society.

Human right to food

In the case of the “Human Right to Food – Zero Hunger” mission, the objective is to promote food sovereignty and the right to adequate food and nutrition. The mission promotes knowledge exchange, knowledge creation and development of technology and innovation in agriculture together with farmer, family, ethnic and community agriculture.

Health Sovereignty

On the other hand, the mission “Health Sovereignty and Social Well-Being” aims to strengthen the management, transfer and availability of knowledge, technologies and innovative health services. Its objectives include promotion of scientific and social research for health innovation, provision of essential technologies to reduce health dependency and guarantee equal access to health, as well as training for scientific and industrial development in health.

The achievement of health sovereignty in Colombia presents multifaceted challenges, as it involves not only the development of strategic health technologies, but also the creation of a public policy environment to strengthen national scientific, technological and industrial capacities. This environment must be able to generate essential health technologies, identify strategic alliances at regional and global levels, and transfer innovations in health systems to impact the well-being of populations across the country. This challenge arises in the context of disparities in capabilities between regions, where innovations and policies must have a specific regional orientation.

The Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (CT&I) is positioned as a strategic tool to increase the contribution of science, technology and innovation to the social, economic, environmental and sustainable development of Colombia. With an inclusive and differentiated approach, this policy seeks to close the knowledge gap between rich and poor countries. According to reports by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank, it is recognized that the gap is not only economic, but also knowledge.

The re-industrialisation policy is presented as a set of measures aimed at closing the productivity gap, strengthening production chains and investing in the diversification and sophistication of domestic and exportable supply. In this policy context, the strategic commitment to re-industrialisation of the health sector stands out, calling for domestic production capacity for various components ranging from active support to the export of medical services.

In the area of ​​health policies, the need to move towards guaranteeing citizens’ right to health and good life has been emphasized, aligning with the National Development Plan 2022-2026 and Statutory Law 1751 of 2015. It promotes vision of the health system. which is guaranteed, universal and based on preventive and predictive models.

The mission is guided by a comprehensive primary health care model, which focuses on the social determinants of health, prevention and predictability, participatory democracy and inter-sectorality. This model arises in response to a health crisis and seeks to develop local capacity in health technologies, exercise autonomy and leadership in market regulation, and promote collective interests.

The pillars of this model include primary health care without dependence on ability to pay and without discrimination, an approach as a basic human right, regionalization to address the specific needs of each region, and binding participation of the population in design. Implementation and monitoring of the model.

Strengthening the regulatory framework on health sovereignty

Institutional strengthening

To promote strengthening of institutional capacities, action plan for institutional strengthening and coordination between National Institute of Food and Drug Surveillance – INVIMA, National Institute of Health -INS, National Institute of Cancerology -INC and institutions will be prepared and implemented. Institute for Health Technology Assessment – IETS To streamline the necessary processes immersed in the development of scientific, technological and industrial capabilities in health for the production of health technologies relevant to the health sovereignty mission and health policy commitments. Reindustrialization.


Through institutional technical processes, under the responsibility of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, the existing regulatory framework will be reviewed and adjusted, which will allow for streamlining the connection between government, academia, the business-productive sector and civil society. To develop scientific, technological and industrial capabilities in health as well as to promote innovation in strategic health technologies productive chains.

The action will be developed between 2024 and 2033 in coordination with the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, the Ministry of National Education and the Department of National Planning. Likewise, a mechanism to monitor and evaluate public policies will be designed and implemented, so that the resulting adjustments and regulatory changes are given for the proper development of the health sovereignty mission and reindustrialization policy commitments.

New National Pharmaceutical Policy

Formulation and implementation of a new national pharmaceutical policy to continue and strengthen that already put forward in the Compece 155 of 2012 on issues such as regulation of drug prices, centralized procurement, promotion of rational use and prevention of resistance to antibiotics. , the new pharmaceutical policy and wants to include drugs and supplements for sexual and reproductive health in the domestic industry.

Intellectual property governance

Analyze and rethink the intellectual property regime so that it accommodates the characteristics and features of the processes in Colombia and Latin America and the Caribbean, adjusting the parameters that allow the effective transfer of knowledge to society.

In addition, already implemented in international trade, national mechanisms will be designed and implemented to put in place effective performance instruments – optimization of flexibilities (exceptions) considered in agreements on aspects of relevant intellectual property rights (compulsory licenses, parallel imports, in particular) . National interest and security, public health and non-commercial public use perspectives).

Mission and PND

The mission is aligned with the National Development Plan, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, regional demands of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, 2019 Mission of Wise Men and other national and international contexts. In addition, an ethnic, regional, gender and participatory approach, as well as a concern for adaptation and mitigation in the face of climate change.

The process of defining the roadmaps was based on a methodological framework inspired by the work of Miedzinski, Mazzucato and Ekins (2019), which proposes a mission-oriented innovation policy for the Sustainable Development Goals. The road maps have been socialized in different cities of the country, and are now open for citizen consultation with the aim of listening to the voice of Colombians.

To consult the mission roadmap of Health Sovereignty and Social Welfare Visited This link.

Download documents: Health Sovereignty and the Human Right to Food

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