I live in New York and this is something I never recommend doing or visiting

I set foot in New York, for the first time and at the age of 23, like almost everyone else: playing tourist. A few weeks after graduating in communications and with a somewhat unhealthy obsession with cinema, the city opened up to me like a Hollywood set. Car horns, yellow taxis steering, white smoke billowing from the asphalt of the streets, air conditioners balancing on the windows… everything gave a familiar air to a city I had never been to. The crush was immediate and, after I returned, on the plane, I felt, in my stomach, that knot you get when you leave behind something that loves you with all its intensity.

It took me nearly a decade to return and confirm what I already knew: a week was not enough time to absorb the energy that New York radiates. So after another short trip, on my fourth visit I came to stay. And it’s been 15 years. During the time that I’ve lived in five apartments in Brooklyn and Manhattan, I’ve learned to enjoy the best of New York and live with everything I hate. I’ve also seen the transformation of a city I’ve known in the post-9/11 era that has survived two economic crises, Hurricane Sandy and the Covid pandemic. As an adopted New Yorker I have learned some unbreakable rules of New York. These eight are the most important.

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Do not interrupt the passage of New Yorkers

It’s probably the biggest offense you can commit against a New Yorker, and it’s one of the reasons why they sometimes get a reputation for being rude or rude. But seriously, don’t get in the way. The city flows at a cruising speed that cannot be interrupted for any reason. Especially in an office center, be it Midtown or Lower Manhattan. Are you lost and need to check Google Maps? Step aside and let the procession take its course. Want to take a photo of something that caught your eye? Back off. It’s simple.


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