
Four days to validate the objectives of future inter-Malian dialogue

The second day of this workshop is Tuesday, February 27, on inter-Malian dialogue. Supposed to allow for “national ownership of the peace process”, the dialogue was announced nearly two months ago, on New Year’s. At the end of January it was equipped with an influential steering committee – 140 people – which is now proposing. The action plan, which must still be approved or revised by the committee by Thursday and by representatives of the regions – particularly governors – and the diaspora. RFI was able to approach the proposals.

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The inter-Malian dialogue, once it begins, will last for a month. Presented as a 100% national alternative to the 2015 peace agreement, now officially broken and negotiated in Algeria with international mediation, the dialogue includes all communities, all regions and all profiles of Mali – institutions and state representatives, the military, traditional leaders. , religious or socio-professional organizations, refugees – but without involving the main actors in the conflict, i.e. the rebels of the CSP (Permanent Strategic Framework), signatories of the 2015 agreement.

The program provides for four levels of consultations and three days of work for each: municipal level – 50 to 100 participants – regional – 100 to 200 participants, and 600 to 800 for Bamako district alone – embassies and consulates – 50 to 100 participants – And finally national – 1,000 to 3,000 participants planned for this final meeting in Bamako.

Five themes are proposed: peace and national reconciliation, but also political and institutional issues, economy and sustainable development, defense and security or even geopolitics and the international environment. More than a broad program, leading to a final report and recommendations. ” main objective “, according to the official document: ” Restoration of peace, social cohesion and national reconciliation. » Work at the workshop began on Monday morning, under the auspices of interim Prime Minister Choguel Maiga. Which is to be concluded on Thursday.

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