
Neurodevelopmental disorders in children, a public health problem

Students with disabilities in a general environment attend a course at a college with an inclusive support center located in Ambarès-et-Lagrave (Gironde) on September 2, 2022.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit disorder with – or without – hyperactivity (ADHD), dyslexia but also dyscalculia, dysorthography, dyspraxia or dysgraphia, intellectual development disorders (IDD)… In the classroom, many teachers experience being. “Flight” encountered » For case psychiatrists, pediatricians, and other health professionals, we discuss statistics with caution, because“There is, strictly speaking, no epidemiological study specific to France and (that)We still need to reason by transferring international studies to the French demographic situation,” In November 2023, Etienne Pott, a public health doctor appointed as the interministerial delegate for the National Strategy for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, or “TND,” explains all of these conditions.

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However, by extrapolation from surveys conducted in the United States, and concurring with other results particularly in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, physicians report a higher incidence. And also, it seems increasingly strong: according to a study by researcher and health statistician Benjamin, in the United States, 17.8% of children were affected by TND during the period 2015-2017, compared to 16.2% in the years 2009-2011. Zablotsky published in PediatricsIn 2019, that’s a reference.

In many countries over the past twenty years, the prevalence of these disorders appears to be following an upward trend, particularly for ASD and ADHD. To the point that, on the ground, we are talking about one in six people who may be affected. A public health problem.

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“Epidemiological data is a bit dizzying”, Speaking before the Academy of Medicine in the spring of 2023, Claire Compagnon confirmed Etienne Pot’s predecessor as interministerial delegate. Difficulty with difficulty, the feeling is confirmed: according to Inserm, ASD affects 700,000 people, including 100,000 people. For ADHD, 3% to 6% of children are affected; For “dys” disorders, between 4% and 5% of age groups… “It is also hypothesized that one of the two neurodevelopmental disorders is associated with the other.”, observes Etienne Pot. No “co-occurrences”, He said again, which confirms the need for screening “As soon as possible”.

Screening on the rise

This orientation is confirmed in the new 2023-2027 strategy announced by the Executive in November 2023 and which, after the four autism plans, officially expands the scope of public action for all TND disorders with a particular focus on identification. “organized” Developmental gap from birth to 6 years.

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