Sexual abuse in New York schools: 56 former students accuse retired teacher

Thomas Bernagozzi, a retired Long Island (NY) teacher, was arrested after being accused of sexually abusing dozens of students over the decades, and more alleged victims are expected to come forward.

Bernagozzi, now 76, was originally arrested in December and charged with sexually abusing children in his care. Two primary schools in Bay Shore (Suffolk County). Between 1970 and 2000. Two Former male students reported to him in virtue of A state law that tolled the statute of limitations for child abuse.

In December, prosecutors requested that Bernagozzi be held on $1 million cash bail, but in the end He was released from a body monitoring device. It was now Wednesday, January 31st Proceeded under new charges And he was held on $600,000 bail, which his attorney promised would be posted.

Also on Wednesday Prosecutors alleged that the Bay Shore School District knew and ignored Bernagozzi’s behavior..

till date 45 civil lawsuits have been filed against Bernagozzi and the school district Under the New York State Child Victims Act and 11 more former students have come forward since their arrests. Total number of known victims 56report News 12.

Bernagozzi was A much loved and “respected” teacher By peers and parents, prosecutors said. outside the classroom, He directed many extracurricular activities including plays and sports. He also took the children Excursions to beaches, pools, Broadway shows and sporting events.

According to prosecutors, Bernagozzi’s home was searched Photographs of hundreds of students. The victims are between 4 and 8 years old. Ron Hubbard, a 1976 Bernagozzi alumnus and one of the plaintiffs, said ABC News K The teacher groomed him in the classroom and at baseball games.

He Present School Superintendent, Steven Maloney distanced himself from Bernagozzi’s alleged behavior on Wednesday. “This former employee has not been associated with the district since 2000,” he said in a statement. “Due to pending and ongoing litigation, Bay Shore School District is unable to comment on this matter. “The district is committed to ensuring the safety, health and well-being of all students.”

All charges are mere allegations and they are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

In a similar case, in October a father and his son, both teachers New JerseyArrested and charged on suspicion of viewing, downloading and possession Child pornography. In April, Damon Reillys, former vice president of the Democratic Committee of Southold Town (Long Island) and former leader of that town’s Boy Scout troop, pleaded guilty to the same offense.

If you are a victim of or suspect someone is being abused, especially if they are minors or elderly:

I looked for help

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