
6 Easy Ways to Fix It

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world and second in France. Most of them can be avoided by making lifestyle changes to avoid risk factors such as a sedentary lifestyle, alcohol abuse, junk food, obesity or even smoking.

Certain actions, which are good for the heart, can be easy to implement on a daily basis. Cardiologist Dr. Kaustubh Dabhadkar said best life Six ways to do good for your heart, some of which are surprising.

Make a proper breakfast

To maintain good cardiovascular health, you should choose a varied and balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables, not forgetting whole grains, are great for the heart. On the other hand, it is better to avoid fatty red meat and cooked dishes and favor other sources of protein (nuts, soy, white meat, etc.) as well as home-made dishes that are less salty. Junk food (fried food, hamburgers, soda, etc.) should be banned as it promotes inflammation and cholesterol. To avoid temptation: “Have breakfast,” Dr. Dabhadkar says. “It’s the most important meal of the day and keeps you going. If I skip breakfast, I’m more likely to eat junk food.”

Laugh often

Laughter is an easy and enjoyable way to do good for your heart. Numerous studies have detailed the benefits of laughter. It helps fight stress by reducing cortisol production, stabilizing heart rate and lowering blood pressure. The benefits of laughter go beyond cardiovascular health. It increases the amount of air movement and improves blood oxygenation. It is also great for immunity, sleep, digestion, stress or libido.

Keep a diary

An American expert also suggests keeping a diary. A 2005 study by the University of Cambridge found that people who wrote for between 15 and 20 minutes 3 to 5 times a week were less stressed than others. Less stress and anxiety is good for the heart.

Practice physical activity regularly

Being active helps your heart maintain good health. However, it is not necessary to spend your days in the gym. “Even 20 to 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day reduces the risk of future heart disease”Dr. Dabhadkar says.

And if you practice in the morning, that’s even better. According to an article published in European Journal of Preventive Cardiology In 2022, people who exercise in the morning are 16% less likely to develop coronary heart disease while the risk of stroke is reduced by 17%.

Avoid stress

Stress plays an important role in lifestyle diseases (high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity).“, the cardiologist clarifies. However, these pathologies promote cardiovascular damage such as heart attack or stroke. “Meditation helps manage stress”Adds the expert.

No smoking

Tobacco and passive smoking are also harmful to the heart. “Smoking damages almost every organ in your body, including your heart.”The American Lung Association explains on its website. “Smoking can cause your arteries to become blocked and narrowed, which means less blood and oxygen to your heart.“, adds the organization.

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